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  1. Acprkit

    Variegated Jalapeno Grow Log

    Germination! 4/4 off white and 2/4 green seeds have germinated. Will be putting up in a few days and will share more photos. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. Acprkit

    Variegated Jalapeno Grow Log

    Just received my seeds! Four of each are currently soaking for a couple hours and will then be put in starter trays. I didn’t realize that the pods also showed the variegation - excited to see what emerges. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. Acprkit

    Variegated Jalapeno Grow Log

    Rental is ~$200 for the season. It’s currently closed due to COVID lockdown, but plants are allegedly being taken care of. It will be interesting to see what I come back to when it reopens (hopefully soon!) You can see the exterior if you search for Riverlea Greenhouse Toronto. It’s a large...
  4. Acprkit

    Variegated Jalapeno Grow Log

    What was the white/green split in your F2 seedlings? My greenhouse space is in a community greenhouse, currently it’s filled with some cut down habs and bells to overwinter, plus an interesting geranium (lemon sculpture). Peppers are doing surprisingly well, with the chopped down bell already...
  5. Acprkit

    Variegated Jalapeno Grow Log

    Absolutely! I have a small naturally lit greenhouse space, so I should be able to start them pretty early to potentially get seeds for a second generation this summer. Happy to keep passing the seeds on. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. Acprkit

    Variegated Jalapeno Grow Log

    This is so neat to see what looks like a random mutation that’s able to grow to fruit. If anyone has some seeds so spare, I’d definitely like to try growing it in Canada. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. Acprkit

    My First Grow Log - PNW Space Peppers

    How are the seedlings doing? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. Acprkit

    Waking up a "frozen" transplant?

    What’s the day/night temperature? Did you break up the roots a bit? Could be too cool to trigger much growth. Likewise, it could still be root bound. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. Acprkit

    lighting Question about light for chile plants in grow tent

    How hot is it getting under the grow light? You could cycle on and off more often to reduce the temp. Dark green leaves can indicate too much light. Maybe try dialing back to a 14/10 schedule. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. Acprkit

    Experimenting with Kinetin Spray

    Update - some initial results! Now over a month into the experiment, the peppers receiving periodic Kinetin sprays appear to be responding. Test is on the left, control is on the right. Same amount of water and no fertilizer for both. Observations on the test (two plants in one pot) -appears...
  11. Acprkit

    Experimenting with Kinetin Spray

    Kinetin is a hormone which promotes cell division. The idea is to use it during flowering to promote blossom/fruit set but my thought is it might have an effect earlier on. I’m not familiar with the sulphur nutrient but it looks like something that would be worth trying out. Sent from my...
  12. Acprkit

    Experimenting with Kinetin Spray

    December 28th: seedling height and size is identical between the two cups. Test cup has some burning likely due to the leaves being wet from the stray under light. Text cup lost two seedlings (one helmet head and one just conked) Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. Acprkit

    Experimenting with Kinetin Spray

    Hi everyone, I bought a bottle of flower set spray (AKA Kinetin spray) last summer. I didn’t notice an impact on blossom set on either my peppers or tomatoes, so I thought I would try an experiment. Setup: germinate bell pepper seeds in two identical cups and soil. Each cup receives the same...
  14. Acprkit

    pests I got bugs

    I’d spray the plant with a kitchen sprayer first to wash off the ones that you can. Also sterilize the soil and repot. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. Acprkit

    Unknown Sweet Annum from Grocery Store

    Thanks everyone. Sounds like I’ve found a new pepper to grow next year! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. Acprkit

    Unknown Sweet Annum from Grocery Store

    Guajillo looks very similar. Does it have any heat? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. Acprkit

    Unknown Sweet Annum from Grocery Store

    Measures about 5x1 in. Here’s a cross section photo. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  18. Acprkit

    Unknown Sweet Annum from Grocery Store

    Hi everyone, I bought a container of mixed peppers (same shape, maroon, red, yellow, and orange) at a ethnic grocery store in Canada. The container was helpfully labeled “mixed peppers” with no country of origin. The maroon pepper is two lobed, a few seeds, thinner walls, and has a wonderful...
  19. Acprkit

    health First try with Kratky - trying to figure out whats wrong

    I was at the end of my rope with roots turning brown. After some reading about how the water can get out of whack with nutes and fungus, and how compost tea can help, I thought trying pond water might help and it did! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  20. Acprkit

    Too many tiny flowers, not growing normal internodes (Hot & sweet)

    Can you post a photo? How much light are they getting? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk