Experimenting with Kinetin Spray

Hi everyone,

I bought a bottle of flower set spray (AKA Kinetin spray) last summer. I didn’t notice an impact on blossom set on either my peppers or tomatoes, so I thought I would try an experiment.

Setup: germinate bell pepper seeds in two identical cups and soil. Each cup receives the same amount of light and water in a grow tent. One cup is dosed with 10 sprays of Kinetin spray every other day.

The spray I’m using is made by Bonide and contains 0.00008% Kinetin or 0.8ppm. The literature I’ve read suggests that 10ppm folular spray is the most effective dose to increase yield.

Results so far: test is on the left and control is on the right

December 11: seedlings emerge and were culled to 4 per cup. Spraying begins on test cup.


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December 28th: seedling height and size is identical between the two cups. Test cup has some burning likely due to the leaves being wet from the stray under light. Text cup lost two seedlings (one helmet head and one just conked)


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Is the spray meant to be used throughout the
grow season? Never heard of it before. I wonder
if it is similar to General Hydroponics' KoolBloom
which contains 1.5% sulphur. It is applied a couple
of weeks before peak flowering.
Good luck with your fun experiment!
Kinetin is a hormone which promotes cell division. The idea is to use it during flowering to promote blossom/fruit set but my thought is it might have an effect earlier on.

I’m not familiar with the sulphur nutrient but it looks like something that would be worth trying out.

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Update - some initial results!

Now over a month into the experiment, the peppers receiving periodic Kinetin sprays appear to be responding. Test is on the left, control is on the right. Same amount of water and no fertilizer for both.

Observations on the test (two plants in one pot)
-appears to be about a week further along than the control
-both have an extra internode and are developing buds
-both are slightly taller than the control


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