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  1. SL3

    Happy Birthday SL3!

    Thanks everyone. I really did have a great Birthday. It signifies my retirement which I will be doing next week. I bought a really nice 11 acre place outside Kingman Arizona to be closer to the KIds and Grandkids (also deer and elk). So if you wonder where I'v been, I have been moving very large...
  2. SL3


    Happy Birthday
  3. SL3

    That's my favorite way to eat it. Now I'll have to go get some.

    That's my favorite way to eat it. Now I'll have to go get some.
  4. SL3

    Happy Birthday SumOfMyBits

    Happy Birthday!
  5. SL3

    Howdy from West Texas

    Welcome, your in the right place.
  6. SL3


    Great Day for a Birthday! Happy Birthday!
  7. SL3

    My Balls are Frozen

    I'm more impressed with your wood pile! I just split half a cord today!
  8. SL3

    Scovie, CJ, and JayT's Annual NYE Bash

    Sounds like you folks had one hell of a party last night, sorry I missed it. Happy New Year to all of you!
  9. SL3

    Hang in there buddy. You still have 2017 to look forward to!

    Hang in there buddy. You still have 2017 to look forward to!
  10. SL3

    review I Review Lucky Dog Hot Sauce 'Black Label' - Amazing Hot sauce!

    Good review. Excellent sauce. One of my favorites! 
  11. SL3

    Igloo building

    That's really cool.I bet it is a good workout working in that thick snow.
  12. SL3

    Christopher Phillips Leukemia Fund

    Thanks so much Nigel for bringing this to our attention. I have been so busy with my move I just saw this. Chris is a great guy and I will send something along with my prayers. This is what a community is all about.
  13. SL3

    Hello from Newnan, ga!

    Welcome from So Cal!
  14. SL3

    Happy Birthday!! Mrs. Rymerpt!!

    Happy Birthday to you!  :D
  15. SL3

    I'm a little bummed

    I would have to second that Old Salty! I just found out that a Face Book Page I visited following a link from here got me into some trouble. Seeing as I don’t even have a face book page I use my wife’s account. In order to read the conversation you had to join the group. I did not think much of...
  16. SL3

    I'm in

    Welcome from Southern California!
  17. SL3

    grilling Show us your grilling pics

    Damn, so cold you don't need a spatula! 
  18. SL3

    indoor Big Indoor Pepper Plants

    I agree with juanitos, I keep everything in the solo cups until I plant them in their final pots for the season.
  19. SL3

    Cleaning house seed giveaway contest - CLOSED

    77  :D
  20. SL3

    Helvete's Blue Ribbon Fatalii seed giveaway! CLOSED

    Love Fatalii's. I'm in if you're still listing.  :D