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  1. C

    Need HELP!!!!!!!

    lol been there and i know your pain its not fun.
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    seeds All of the Jalapeños and none of the Superhots germinated?

    Its probably just a matter of time. I had some superhot seeds take a whole month or more to sprout. Had some that i gave up on only to find them sprouted.
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    Hi from MS

    :welcome: From oregon
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    auction Seed Auction

    ill bid 10.00
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    Buddy's Seed Give-Away - Winner

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    Are Bulgarian Carrot pepper's HOT or NOT?

    Hi. I grew some of those last year and all i can say is they were hotter than any jalapeno i have ever tried. The heat level was not quite as hot as the orange habaneros that i purchased at the store but also not a whole lot milder.
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    Growing Trinidad Scorpion Butch T. pepper.

    Hello and welcome. From some experience one of the most important things required is patience. Some of the superhots can take quite a while to germinate, but once they do they dont require constant attention. Also a reputable souce for seeds is very important, as i also wanted butch t peppers...
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    wanted Looking for Ghost Pepper Seeds

    i got some seeds that i got from some really big pods that i purchased last year and out of the ones i planted got 100% germination so far. pm me and ill give u my adress and if you send me a self adressed envelope i can send you some
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    Hello From Eugene Oregon

    Glad to see others from oregon im in portland :welcome:
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    Need a couple fresh jolokia pods - could anyone spare?

    if you have never tried any when u do you will be surprised. I eat spicy foods all the time but only discovered superhots last year. Ive eaten most all types sold locally, but whn i heard aboutthe bhut jalokia i said to myself how hot can they be i mean its still just a pepper man was i wrong...
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    wanted Looking for PETER PEPPER seeds...

    I got some peter pepper seeds that i purchased from a seed store I planted 2 seeds and they both came up and are about 5 inches tall atm. I can send you some seeds if you send me a self adressed envelope. Pm me for adress.
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    health Something seems wrong with my peppers need help please

    Yeah just looked up that info and that explains everything such as why i could not brush it off. Im gonna try to put some kind of fan to circulate the air more.
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    health Something seems wrong with my peppers need help please

    Hey everyone. im curently growing a few diferent kinds of peppers and they seem to be thriving under a light i even have a few little peppers on one bulgarian carrot. Looking at my plants they seem very healthy but under a few scorpion peppers i see what seemed like mites i think. i took a...
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    shopping Where can I purchase quality Trinidad Scorpion Butch T seeds?

    +1 for I ordered some red and yellow brain strain and got them real fast and also had some freebies in there
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    Brain Strain red/yellow

    Ok thanks all for the advice.
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    Brain Strain red/yellow

    Hey everyone. Im looking for some brain strain red and yellow seeds to grow this coming season. If you have any that i can have or buy please let me know
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    That goes to show you cant judge a book by its cover, or in this case a pepper. LOL
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    free Last Harvest Green/Ripening Pods For Free ***OFFER CLOSED***

    I'd like the trinidad scorpion and 7 pot if still available please