First batches of chili verde sauce. Had almost no flavor.
So I dumped the strain in the mash from the jalepeno Garlic that tasted fai and will use it for salsa.
Havent stained the ghost pepper/bell pepper mash. So what s next
Have access to habenero at local store. Whats a good started...
Well maybe get as well fill up the rest of the jar then. Will let it sit a week then strain. It tasted pretty good strait. Like spicy chili verde. Which is what I was going for
Ok well its about 400ml of fermented product and 200 of rice viniger. Will leave in fridge a week and then strain. If needs more conifer then will add. How late my will this stay good night n fridge for
Have had jalepenos garlic onion and tomatillos sitting chopped in brine for 4.5 weeks. Opened it up and puréed the veggies. Came out with about 500ml mash and it taste great also me.
How much vinaigrette do I add and not screw up the original taste to bad.
Can I use left over brine to...
so my first ferment is about 12 days old. I'm using fermentlids. chopped jalapeno, garlic, and onion cap to hold in a 3% brine. yesterday morning I noticed little white floatys in the bottom. is this good, bad norm?
Try London broil. I always found before trim round greasy. I use chipotle powder instead of chili. And teriyaki marinade instead I f juice. To enhance flavor
have made posole before. don't know why I haven't made menudo guess I should of mentioned that. haven't been looking at different videos on youtube. just thought id see if there was any house secrets.
I must say the heat on the chili really toned down after simmering for an hour hand to add come cayenne pepper to make it more chili flavored. we shall see how it tastes after sitting in refrigerator over night