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  1. pepperproblem

    watch out...

    You live where?
  2. pepperproblem

    P-Son's "mild to wild" Manscaping prohibited!!

    Thats it.I give up. Between the great camera shots and the growing of flawless pepper plants It does not get much better. Great job!!!!
  3. pepperproblem

    for-sale fresh pods for sale anyone?

    pm joemomma
  4. pepperproblem

    pests My plants are being eaten alive. Bug Spray help.

    I read the post, then I had to go get something to eat.Minus the soap.
  5. pepperproblem

    pests My plants are being eaten alive. Bug Spray help.

    That blend sounds like you are feeding them, not trying to kill them.
  6. pepperproblem

    wanted Looking for a couple of additions: goats weed, wild brazil, fish pepper

    I forgot to save Fish seeds, but I have the other 2 from last year.
  7. pepperproblem

    pepperproblem's 2013 grow log.

    Man nothing gets past you. I would say Angkor Sunrise would be a good guess since it could have moved easliy from Cambodia. He is growing some super hots for the locals. That should mess them up.TS Green, I think are normal. The pic might show 3 plants. I have to check. I have a few growing here...
  8. pepperproblem

    purple moruga?

    I am giving the little guy special treatment. Transplanted it and leaving it outside. Thats what it is used to. It still is getting darker.
  9. pepperproblem

    purple moruga?

    It is outside and the color is getting darker. Kinda why I thought it was different.Time will tell.
  10. pepperproblem

    Cinnamon as an anti-fungal

    The Mycorrhizae should populate the root zone and you are applying Cinnamon to the , ah forget it. Just use a fan.
  11. pepperproblem

    True story: New Mexico Chili Cook off

    Funny, thanks
  12. pepperproblem

    purple moruga?

    Gee you would know. I have several trays from multiable sources. This tray was from you. 07 seeds? I think. These were the pods.
  13. pepperproblem

    wanted Looking for Rocoto seeds

  14. pepperproblem

    purple moruga?

    I will give you pods, if it is legit.
  15. pepperproblem

    pepperproblem's 2013 grow log.

    I sowed a tray of Moruga Blends that I removed from pods. There is always a chance a seed mixed in, but I was pretty careful with it. One looks like this. Still sowing. May is here, thank God. Now they are much happier. Intresting. One of the last trays. Odds and ends. The bigger ones are...
  16. pepperproblem

    purple moruga?

    I admit it is a little early to know for sure, but I sowed a 96 cell tray of Moruga Blends from pods that I pulled the seeds from. One looks like this.
  17. pepperproblem


    Welcome. check joemomma Popular guy it seems. lol
  18. pepperproblem

    pepperproblem's 2013 grow log.

    Its never enough. SS and Darth.
  19. pepperproblem

    flavor Taste profile collection?

    I grow a fair amount of peppers. I think maybe 200 plus types this year.I trade and buy peppers from THP members and variious other places. Ethnic marckets, etc. I have found that while many peppers keep a certain flavor profile, there are taste/aroma differences in where they are grown. I have...
  20. pepperproblem

    contest VOTE! Combo de Mayo Throwdown

    Sorry I could not pick a winner. They all look amazing! Congrats to all of you. Do you deliver? Now I am really hungry.Thanks a lot.