Ford has a nice solid history of screwing up Mustangs. I have a 2002 GT which I love dearly. BUT, changing plugs is a serious challenge. Seems Ford in it's infinite wisdom cheaped out on the heads. You have a total of THREE WHOLE threads in ALUMINUM holding the plugs in. And... Oh yeah, the...
Worst cap cramps I've ever had involved a little bit of Musky powder.
Those weren't just cramps. They were paralysis inducing spasms. They came on like contractions with each wave getting worse than the last. They did not end voluntarily, and there is NO WAY I could have sat through a movie.
By "transposed", did you mean write it out as sheet music?
pssssst... transpose means to change key.
The word you are looking for is "transcribe".
And by the way, that "sick bend" would be easy to transcribe. So would the fingerpicked part. It would involve just an instructional...
If you're counting drops, you're still small time. Not to mention it's Dave's... Yuck.
Order some other powders rather than just ghost powder. Get some 7 pot, or scorpion powder. Rotate through a variety rather than just one.
You may find out that you aren't as tough as you think.
Although you dropped some cash, things could be worse. And it's not even spicy... Ridiculous.
My inital over/under guess was 1.5 pieces between them... I shoulda been a bookie.