I thought i might as well share this here for anyone interested in a podcast about beer.
It is a little thing a friend and i have been doing for a while. The concept being to drink and talk about a beer and go off on different tangents around the topic.
Beer selections so far have been...
Actually im a brewer and beer judge so my palate is pretty sensitive. it is in my nature to pick out flavours and talk about them as they evolve. i try to pinpoint stuff as much as i can, which is bloody difficult when there is this huge amount of pain going on.
looking great Rick! plants are freakin loaded!
Douglahs look very different from my first lot, but the ne pods look more similar to yours. i see a lot of variation in the 7 pot family though. i might do a douglah test this weekend.
nice review! seemed to take your breath away pretty fast!
yeah no points lost on water. last review i did where i drank water was a peach ghost scorpion (not saying its the same) to flush the seeds out of my mouth. it just made it burn hotter!
First super hot review this year - what a way to start!
one of the craziest and most flavourful chillies i have ever tried! to the point that the aroma is so intense it made me gag.
Ripping heat. But that aroma is something out of this world.
Thanks Nagachomper for the seeds - this is from a...
i was worried about the douglah too. they look distinctly bhut like. cut one open and they dont smell like a bhut, despite the shape
but, i watched a few videos of the douglah strain available from pepperlover, and saw they were pretty similar. i thought they were gonna be rounder and flatter. ...