review Video: Pod Test "Peach Scorpion"

I don't know much about this pepper--what I can tell you is that it's not the Jay's Peach Ghost was sent to me by member gourdmaster.  He tells me it was grown from seeds that originated from ajijoe.  Smells like a scorpion but doesn't really look like one or taste/burn like one.  Definitely a scorcher nonetheless.
Hey man, great video. I am taking seeds out of all the pods i pull so ill be able to send you more if youd like. here are a couple others i pulled off the plant;

You can see thats kind of a typical shape for now. Maybe next push of pods will be different. The one on the right is almost white and its the only one to do that, so im definitely growing a couple plants out from it next year
Thanks for the seeds Joe, i have some great plants from you!
Those look great! They seem different from the other peach pods... Kind of an orange tint to it, but it also just be from the pictures. Does it seem like that in person?
AZ-Mason said:
Those look great! They seem different from the other peach pods... Kind of an orange tint to it, but it also just be from the pictures. Does it seem like that in person?
The one I had was a very light creamy orange...slightly different color to it than some of the other "peach" peppers.
nice review! seemed to take your breath away pretty fast!
yeah no points lost on water. last review i did where i drank water was a peach ghost scorpion (not saying its the same) to flush the seeds out of my mouth. it just made it burn hotter!
gourdmaster said:
Hey man, great video. I am taking seeds out of all the pods i pull so ill be able to send you more if youd like. here are a couple others i pulled off the plant;

You can see thats kind of a typical shape for now. Maybe next push of pods will be different. The one on the right is almost white and its the only one to do that, so im definitely growing a couple plants out from it next year
Thanks for the seeds Joe, i have some great plants from you!
nice pods and your very welcome, this is what its all about sharing the love ;)
thanks your friend Joe