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  1. N_FF


    holstein festbock today pour it pours brown with a 3-4 finger yellowy fluffy head that dies down after about 2 minutes leaves flecks of lace that slide back down. aroma smells like beer? kinda darkish smelling breaddy malts taste piney hoppy up front then melts into a tangyness and...
  2. N_FF


    yea i was suprised at what came out. i was expecting some sulfery undrinkable mess but its actualy quite good. (and just so you know the wort in the bottle is all grain and un concentrated) i want to eventually get into all grain brewing but i have no idea where to start.
  3. N_FF


    ok heres something difrent its a home brew kit.! big and easy bottle brew brown ale. pour it pours brown/red with a small amost non existant head that fades quickly no lacing aroma is faint hoppy maltness taste its malty on the arival that slides into a good wack of hops that leads...
  4. N_FF


  5. N_FF


    ok newcastle brown ale today pour brown with little head that disapears quickly but small flecks of lace. aroma faint but slightly citrusy flavor hops up front but not overpowering with a sweet malt middle almost no finnish mouthfeel. medium bodies low carbonation drinkibility...
  6. N_FF


    ok fullers honey dew pour light yellow with a fluffy white head that goes fairly quickly aroma malts a bit of citrus hops and a bit of sweet taste slight bitter on the arival malty through then hoppy on the finish. drinkability. it seems smooth enough medium carbonation but has a bit...
  7. N_FF


    mmmm i talked the MLCC to get hoptical illusion in and so thats what im drinking now
  8. N_FF


    today we have a trippy one called "hoptical illusion" pour amber with a white fluffy head that dosent stay lone but laces fairly well aroma fruitty hops flavor hops lots of them but they arnt bitter its a perfect balance of hops and malt neither over power the other lending to a complex...
  9. N_FF


    muskoka double chocolate cranberry stout 2010. pour pitch black. with a tan head that sticks around laces well too. aroma: chocolate coookies or brownies. taste bitter chocolate cookies with a hint of cranberrys. mouthfeel smooth thick drinkability. you could porolly finish a...
  10. N_FF

    Your favorite album?

    it'd have to be Devin Townsend Band Terria.
  11. N_FF

    music What Are You Listening To Right Now? FVCK YEAAA!!!! decon's out.
  12. N_FF


    well of course they are both made using the same ingredients. so they would mingle well.
  13. N_FF


    had a kilkenny last night it was good and smooth. little lacking on flavor but was nice and creamy. and today i had another youngs. mmm what a treat it is.
  14. N_FF


    how was that end of history? the squirrel is awesome though the one that interests me the most is the version 2.0 me a peat head so vullen aged beer sounds awesome
  15. N_FF


    new one its a canadian made strong beer. pours opaque amber with a frothy white head that dies down after a while with no lacing aroma is kinda fruity taste hoppy but not bitter its kinda fruity tasting but i can taste the caramel malts too its got heavy carb since its secondary in...
  16. N_FF


    ok under wheebz sugestion i picked up a bottle of Leffe blond. pour golden with a 2 finger fluffy white head that dies down to a small island almost no laceing aroma verry faint hops flavor a fine balance between hops and malts almost no bitterness kinda generic but its nice...
  17. N_FF


    you lucky bugger! i cant even get that stuff here all i can get fullers wise is the organic.
  18. N_FF


    well an other re visit this ones samuel smiths imperial stout pour is brown but in the glass its black you can see small amounts of red comeing though the center when held to light 1.5 finger head that stays a while and laces well aroma dark malts taste burnt malts and a kick of...
  19. N_FF


    less than a week ok now on for a revisit of youngs double chocolate stout pour brown with a half finger of head pitch black with a halo of red aroma cofee and chocolate. taste coffee dark malts that melt in your mouth into lovely smooth chocolate. its dark and smooth but its still...
  20. N_FF

    movies THSC's European Vacation (look out Griswald's)

    good on ya neil have a good one and happy birthday. wonder if theres gona be a special episode of THSC chili tests danish edition? but really have fun out there. and dont get into tooo much trouble