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  1. rickster

    Just when you think you've seen it all

    when you gotta pass a piss test, you try anything for a high. my hero :high:
  2. rickster

    Squared bell peppers

    never seen it done without a mold, seen watermelons squared by a mold.
  3. rickster


    nothing like being out crappie fishing in the float tube and have a copperhead start heading towards you. i think i had a rooster tail coming off the tube that day.
  4. rickster

    Source for cheap 5/10 gallon burlap bags?

    growing 10 plants in wally bags this year and they are doing great. .50 each
  5. rickster

    Leaf or Bacterial Spot? Help needed!

    i live in McKinney and had about 7 inches last week
  6. rickster

    Leaf or Bacterial Spot? Help needed!

    funny, i was just about to post the same thing. i have a few leaves looking like that too. removed the infected ones and sprayed with a copper fungicide. i hope it helps.
  7. rickster

    Winland's 2016 Pepper Patch

    if its cut worms, wrap foil around the stem. about 1-2 inch up. are tops still there?
  8. rickster

    Winland's 2016 Pepper Patch

    cut worms?
  9. rickster

    low tunnel (hoop house), wilted & damaged leaves. . .

    80 outside is gonna be pretty hot inside. if outside temps are above 65-70, just leave them without being covered. 
  10. rickster

    Are these Reapers?

    Looks like Carribean reds to me
  11. rickster

    pests Aphids!!! Don't go away even after spraying

    i use a mixture of 1 cup lemon scented joy dish soap (non- anti bacterial) 1 cup of brown mouth wash in a 20 gal. hose in sprayer and spray everything. works like a charm every time. sprayed Wednesday and yesterday they were all gone. ;)
  12. rickster

    music What Are You Listening To Right Now?

    in memory of nick menza. r.i.p.
  13. rickster

    Pepper damage!

    those are grub worms,turn into the june bugs. they will destroy a lawn for sure. they eat the roots of plants. i you have more than 1 per sq.ft. you have a problem. a few here and there is ok because they tunnel the dirt like worms.
  14. rickster

    Why does it cost so much?

    damn, i gotta try that . that's funny right there. to bad you cant see them when the eat it.
  15. rickster

    Could Somebody Take a Look?

    hey john- your just down the road from me, so if you like i will pm you my address and you can see what i am doing with my peppers. give you some ideas on what to do and what not to do.
  16. rickster

    Could Somebody Take a Look?

    had no idea the east coast got so
  17. rickster

    Hello from rainy London!

    welcome from Dallas,Texas
  18. rickster

    Rock Dust

    little bit more for santa clause. haha
  19. rickster

    Is it time to start feeding?

    get them babies in their permanent home and start Harding off outside. i would give a 1/2 mixture of fish emulsion at next watering