nothing like being out crappie fishing in the float tube and have a copperhead start heading towards you. i think i had a rooster tail coming off the tube that day.
funny, i was just about to post the same thing. i have a few leaves looking like that too. removed the infected ones and sprayed with a copper fungicide. i hope it helps.
i use a mixture of 1 cup lemon scented joy dish soap (non- anti bacterial) 1 cup of brown mouth wash in a 20 gal. hose in sprayer and spray everything. works like a charm every time. sprayed Wednesday and yesterday they were all gone. ;)
those are grub worms,turn into the june bugs. they will destroy a lawn for sure. they eat the roots of plants. i you have more than 1 per sq.ft. you have a problem. a few here and there is ok because they tunnel the dirt like worms.
hey john- your just down the road from me, so if you like i will pm you my address and you can see what i am doing with my peppers. give you some ideas on what to do and what not to do.