These 4 are the only ones I'm growing this year (2 Savina, 2 Aji Dulce).
My established plants are already outside starting to flower up.
I just gave them a light shot of ferts yesterday.. They are looking really nice!
Bought an Anaheim yesterday from my local nursery and got that in a...
This is not growing process but growing progress. Hope I posted in the right forum Mods :-)
I am a little late to the early seed starting. I'll keep you updated :p
Red Savina (got these pods/seeds last season from a friend in FL.)
Aji Dulce (hook)
Exactly what I do :onfire:
Tim, you still using Pro-mix? I have to get my Fatali and Bhut in 15 gallon containers..they are in 5 gallon buckets now and appear root bound. Pro-mix feels hard too.
Thanks SCGG!
I'm glad I put that little fence up. Went out this morning and saw a cat dug a nice hole right next to it :o
Destroyed one of my corn plants though.