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  1. stoney's_ghost

    Anyone have this happen?

    SCGG, Don't sweat that one. Your others look great! Umm, I'll be subtle. I need those seeds!!!! Dave
  2. stoney's_ghost

    Garden Layout / New Member

    Very nice plants! Dave
  3. stoney's_ghost

    Horse poop

    Never even thought about it. I am surrounded by properties and horse trails. Hmmm...:-)
  4. stoney's_ghost

    Bhut Jolokia (attempt at Bonchi) and friends :-)

    Here are a few established plants. This one is my bonchi Ghost or attempt at it with a few flowers on him. Moruga Scorpion Chocolate Habanero
  5. stoney's_ghost

    seeds My seedlings 2015 - start to finish..hopefully.

    These 4 are the only ones I'm growing this year (2 Savina, 2 Aji Dulce). My established plants are already outside starting to flower up. I just gave them a light shot of ferts yesterday.. They are looking really nice! Bought an Anaheim yesterday from my local nursery and got that in a...
  6. stoney's_ghost

    seeds My seedlings 2015 - start to finish..hopefully.

    OK Runescape, thanks. I'll continue it there :-)
  7. stoney's_ghost

    seeds My seedlings 2015 - start to finish..hopefully.

    This is not growing process but growing progress. Hope I posted in the right forum Mods :-) I am a little late to the early seed starting. I'll keep you updated :p Red Savina (got these pods/seeds last season from a friend in FL.) Aji Dulce (hook)
  8. stoney's_ghost

    My Carolina Reaper has turned into a Palm tree!

    Yeah, I would not bury it that deep. Rot can occur. It will shoot out branches eventually. I had one that looked like that and it finally did.
  9. stoney's_ghost

    overwintering My overwintered Bhut Jolokia plant

      Exactly what I do :onfire:   Tim, you still using Pro-mix? I have to get my Fatali and Bhut in 15 gallon containers..they are in 5 gallon buckets now and appear root bound. Pro-mix feels hard too.
  10. stoney's_ghost

    No new peppers... :(

    It looks good and your soil appears to be well draining. I foliar and fert about every 10 days. Works very nice for my plants. Keep us updated :-)
  11. stoney's_ghost

    Brown Moruga Thread

    Very nice plants. Have not tried growing this one yet. The only chocolates I have are the Habs ;)
  12. stoney's_ghost

    What's this bonchi missing?

    What kind of soil are you using. Looks like it might retain too much water.
  13. stoney's_ghost

    in-ground 4th (in-ground plant) - Bhut Jolokia

    Thanks SCGG! I'm glad I put that little fence up. Went out this morning and saw a cat dug a nice hole right next to it :o Destroyed one of my corn plants though.
  14. stoney's_ghost

    Stem problem

    Yeah, strengthens the base for winds. We get some good winds out here!
  15. stoney's_ghost

    overwintering My overwintered Bhut Jolokia plant

    Looks great! Likes where it's at it seems :)
  16. stoney's_ghost

    Stem problem

    That is strange. Never seen that before. Hmm.
  17. stoney's_ghost

    in-ground 4th (in-ground plant) - Bhut Jolokia

    Ha! Here is our guard cat, Lynxsy. She is indoor only but her size scares away most cats that even look at her :-)