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  1. J762

    photography Pet picture thread!

    Pug Farm!!! Here is my start on one, though the next dog I get will either be a Boerboel or a Cane Corso. This is Guido and Sasha figuring out what a water bowel left out to freeze tastes like. This was back when Sasha was a puppy. We actually had to take Guido to the Emergency clinic...
  2. J762

    Yellow 7pod help

    I don't think so . I didn't hit it with any Ca, and just added some more gypsum to the surrounding soil this morning so I know it isn't what has worked on it. It was probably just having a hard time coming out of dormancy combined with needing some more food. We'll see in another couple of weeks...
  3. J762

    Christmas Island Rock Phosphate

    How many eggs worth of shells.
  4. J762

    Yellow 7pod help

    Well, it looks like it's coming out of it's funk. The new growth is a good green color, and the branches are starting to firm up a bit. The leaves are also not so delicate anymore.
  5. J762

    Low Stress training

    Ok, an update with pictures. Here is the Jalapeno that is being left alone to just grown and do it's thing. And here are the LST'd Jalapeno. So far I am not that impressed with how Jalapeno's react to the treatment. The side branching I am used to seeing using this technique has not yet set...
  6. J762

    media jiffy pellets

    I use one of those heating trays but instead of jiffy pellets I use Rapid rooters. I've personally never had any issues growing out of jiffy pellets though, and have several plants in my yard that started life that way. I just prefer Rapid Rooters because I can also run cuttings in them and I...
  7. J762

    Bougainvillea - anyone else growing these indoors?

    I feel for you. I hate cutting and digging them out. You've got a good looking pug there.
  8. J762

    Bougainvillea - anyone else growing these indoors?

    Pretty plants, but if you ever need to get rid of them good freaking luck if they were planted in the ground. We have two of them in our front yard and decided to get rid of them 3 years ago. We were having our house stucco'd and they had to be cleared so the guys could work on the house. I cut...
  9. J762

    powder-flake Ceiling fans+Bhut powder+wife=?

    Surprisingly I am in no trouble at all for it, very thankfully. i just feel really bad for her. We were sitting there watching some TV and eating Fish taco's and burritos and the next thing I know half her plate is flying in the general direction of the coffee table, she's already halfway to the...
  10. J762

    powder-flake Ceiling fans+Bhut powder+wife=?

    Well, I can tell you what it doesn't equal, and that is a nice, calm, relaxing evening at home after a nice Dinner. She's better now, but I don' think I've ever heard her talk like that before :mouthonfire:
  11. J762

    Fungus Gnat ??

    I had those things really bad this year in my seedling cups when they were inside. Thousands of them flying around the house. I took Neem oil and filled water bottle caps and put them around the seedling cups. They quickly filled with dead gnats. I also tried apple cider vinegar and a little...
  12. J762

    powder-flake Coworkers using all my sauce, powders, ect...

    Nope. Not at all. I hated food thieves when I worked in an office.
  13. J762

    Low Stress training

    After they grow for a bit and get where I want them, I release the straps and they stand up a bit. I also usually trim off any leaves that come close to the ground. At this stage I just spend a little extra time with them and look them over closely. So far this year the aphids are only...
  14. J762

    Low Stress training

    That's how I do with when I grow in buckets. Just drill holes around the edge and strap down using those. I did one a couple years back that I spiraled around the bucket all the way. It was a cool looking Serrano plant.
  15. J762

    Low Stress training

    Your bhut is probably to old and firm to try this with. It needs to be done while the stem is still tender and bends easy, otherwise you snap it. I usually start them younger than the ones in my pictures. If your stem is still green and flexible you can give it a go, just bend it slowly and...
  16. J762

    Low Stress training

    It basically gives you all of the benefits of topping without causing the stress and slow down of growth that cutting does. So indoor growers with height issues benefit from bigger but shorter plants. Outdoors, you get raging monster bushes. My Aji lemon's last year were huge.
  17. J762

    Coffee grounds

    My wife has a Starbuck's in her work building that she brings me grounds from every day as well as usually stopping by another Starbuck's for more on her way home. 25% of your total compost mix can be coffee grounds, any more than that supposedly causes problems. They are good for nitrogen...
  18. J762

    soil Spent Soil

    We've got grubs really bad down here this year. Anywhere I dig I find them, and any pot I look in they are there. I fed one to a giant orb web spider I've got in the yard yesterday... As far as the leftover dirt goes, I just spread mine into either my garden, or into the rest of the beds around...
  19. J762

    Yellow 7pod help

    It's not a fungal thing, I've already hit it with Neem once to keep the spring aphids away from it, and in person it is easy to see it's not bugs, fungus, or bacterial. It grew like this right from the get go after coming out of dormancy. All the leaf damage you see is because the leaves are so...
  20. J762

    Help identifing peppers that I've gotten on my trip to Peru so far.

    This is what the fruit looks like on the tree. If it's not a problem to bring some back then cool, but if there are any export/import restrictions that would be an issue don't worry about it at all. That tree makes the main spice ingredient for Puerco Pibil... Mmmmmmm. Tastiness.