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  1. J762

    Origin of Super Chile Hybrid's

    Thanks for the info. I couldn't remember if it was true breeding parents, or 2 different sets of previously crossed non stabilized parents to get F1's. I long ago figured out I didn't have the space to properly stabilize anything so I stopped bothering and just buy seeds that will definitely...
  2. J762

    Please Critique My "Ghetto" Grow Chamber

    That's really a bad idea. You've created a huge fire hazard. I lost a really good friend of mine to a very similar grow setup that he did as a temporary fix until he could do a real setup. He at least had made a PVC pipe frame for his blankets to keep them off the lights. It failed and now he's...
  3. J762

    Low Stress training

    Thats where I learned it from, A friend in Norcal in that industry, but it applies to any fruiting/flowering plant, indoors or out. We'll see how Jalapenos respond to it over the next couple of weeks.
  4. J762

    Yellow 7pod help

    That's what I'm hoping. I will probably give it a trim next week and see what it does with any new growth. I was just out looking and the lower stems are a nice green color. I have a Trini perfume that had some funky yellow growth for the first few leaves and then it snapped out of it and looks...
  5. J762

    Yellow 7pod help

    It's getting to late into our season here to start seeds and expect them to do anything for me. Due to the heat here all summer long causing flower drop the plants have to be fairly mature and podding up a lot earlier than some other states. We've already had a few days where my thermometer out...
  6. J762

    Help identifing peppers that I've gotten on my trip to Peru so far.

    Can't help you on the peppers, but the picture with you in it... Is that an Annatto/achiote tree behind you? If you can bring back whole pods from that I'd love to get my hands on some to try growing here. Edit: Never mind. I searched an image of one and it's definitely not, but if you happen...
  7. J762

    Yellow 7pod help

    They get the fish emulsion on the off weeks between the Mag/aspirin spray. I use it in a Tea that is poured over the plants giving them a foliar feed, as well as getting it into the soil. To make the Tea I line 5 gallon buckets with paint strainers (Think Giant Tea bag) and put in two handfuls...
  8. J762

    Origin of Super Chile Hybrid's

    You'll end up with random plants showing different traits from whatever was used as parent stock. Some may be similar, others could be vastly different. It's just luck of the draw. You may get a plant identical to last years parents but with less or more yield, or a different flavor profile. You...
  9. J762

    My Hoop house going up.

    Boing!!! Don't try to guess what that sound was, just know that I'm very excited about seeing that setup. I so wish I had the space for one here. Are you building from a kit, or just using sections of pipe and doing the bending yourself?
  10. J762

    Yellow 7pod help

    Don't worry, there will be no giving up on it until it becomes a rotted stump. Just something about nursing back the sick that is kind of fun. This sick one was also the fastest to come out of Dormancy this year. Just exploded with growth, but it looked just like this from the get go. The camera...
  11. J762

    Low Stress training

    ..,. Continued Here is both of the twins strapped down Those pics were taken yesterday, here are some from today showing what the plants do as a reaction and how you continue on with them. Notice how the new growth tips turn upward towards the sun. And with 2 more hooks added. Yes, she...
  12. J762

    Low Stress training

    Ok, Last year I mentioned LST training of chili plants and was going to do a pic thread on it until I broke my camera. Fast forward to this year and I have a new camera so here we go. I did this last year to my Aji lemons, Bhut's, and Y7's and had great results as far as branching development...
  13. J762

    Yellow 7pod help

    I overwintered a bunch of plants from last year and had 4 out of 5 Y7's make it through and start growing again this spring. Only lost one Y7 from last year. All of them are THSC stock. The problem is, 3 of the 4 look great. Very healthy, good growth so far. Good color etc. They have all been...
  14. J762

    Simple beginnings...

    Your plants are looking great. Very happy healthy. Good luck on this years grow. That was the mistake I made last year. It really set me back, but this year all have been properly hardened off and are happy in the sun.
  15. J762

    Unknown bugs

    I've been seeing a couple of different kinds of Stink Bugs this year here in the valley. I haven't seen ones that look like that yet, but if I do I'll give them a smell test. We've got a ton of the big tan colored ones over here on the east side.
  16. J762

    Yellow 7 Pod/Pot

    I had a bunch of pods from one of my THSC Y7's last year that looked just like yours. Man do those ever taste great with a really good heat.
  17. J762

    cuisines Suggest a Mexican meal for me?

    Puerco Pibil is awesome and so easy to do. We take the leftovers the next night and mix it into Black bean and Bacon Enchiladas. My wife won't divulge the recipe even to me so I can't tell you exactly what to do, but if you mess around with the idea I know you'll come up with something awesome.
  18. J762

    Growing peppers and having pets

    My dogs leave my plants alone unless I throw a toy into them on accident. We started training them from the first day they were allowed in the yard and they've been really good about leaving them alone and staying out of the planters. They got curious about some Thai's last year and bit a...
  19. J762

    chinense is it dangerous to eat bhut jolokia??

    Your Body will tell you when it's had enough. Trust me it will. The only real danger I know of with eating Super hots, is giving your wife a nice kiss right after you eat one so that she gets the burn to. I get hit for that a lot.
  20. J762

    food How do you make your Chorizo?

    No Salivary glands then huh? :lol: Your recipe looks great, definitely something I'll be trying next time I do a run of Sausage.