So I decided to mess around and build a makeshift grow chamber for my bhut jolokia plant. It consists of 4 old dining room chairs, that has a broken coffee table on top of it. There are two table lamps that have 6000k cfl bulbs in in them. It also has an old window fan set on low aimed away from the plant but enough to hopefully strengthen the plant. It is covered with three moving blankets to help seal in the warm air from the heater as well as keep light in and reflect t more towards the plant. The whole setup sits in front of but away from a baseboard heater to help keep the plant warm. Keep in mind I spent twenty minutes coming up with this idea and am a rather poor college student that can't afford to actually build a grow chamber because I wrecked my car he night I was buying soil for this plant lol. Any thoughts, opinions, gripes, grievances or advice would be terrific so I don't possible kill my plant.
pics of chamber
If you would like more pictures feel free to ask.

pics of chamber

If you would like more pictures feel free to ask.