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  1. nzchili

    water My Tap water ph is 9.0, is this ok?

      Depends if your soil needs to be supplemented with iron. Soil is very rarely deficient in iron. An iron deficiency in a plant is almost always due to a high PH situation locking the iron out. As opposed to an actual lack of iron in the soil.   I like to think of iron as..well metal that's in...
  2. nzchili

    Nitrogen addiction?

      I don't even know what that means lol. Way above me. So to put it simply, is it an acid or an alkaline?
  3. nzchili

    New plants

    When do you want peppers? Soon? Or in a couple months? Or how about soon AND in a couple months?   Leave them be man. 
  4. nzchili

    water My Tap water ph is 9.0, is this ok?

    My tap water is also a high PH.  The reason tap water is slightly alkaline is so that it does not rust pipes, taps & fittings etc as much. Test it if you want. Place something in straight tap water, and something else in water which you have PH downed and see which rusts first :)   You can lower...
  5. nzchili

    pests bugs good or bad? new pic post 10

      To be honest im not completely sure. I THINK the little white things are just shedded aphid skins / whats left after the wasps hatch out of the aphid. But im guessing.  
  6. nzchili

    pests bugs good or bad? new pic post 10

      I think they already have judging by the latest pic. Those are aphids, and they AINT happy!
  7. nzchili

    pests bugs good or bad? new pic post 10

      That is good. That means that the vast majority have met their demise at the hands of the parasitic wasps. Keep an eye on a coupe and watch for changes.   I would be willing to bet that the ones you decide to "watch" never move whatsoever (as they are dead), and will continue to go browner and...
  8. nzchili

    Nitrogen addiction?

        hmm im no chemistry wiz, but, how so?   Ammonia has a PH of 11+    PH of 7 + = alkaline and PH 7 or under = acidic.    What am I missing?   Unless im wrong somehow (may well be) then its an extremely alkaline substance. Alkaline substances can act like an "acid" though  (corrosive)  as its...
  9. nzchili

    Forked leaves? WTF?

    Yea it happens. If it was every leaf then it may be something special. 
  10. nzchili

    Nitrogen addiction?

    Ammonia is the opposite to acidic. Its an alkaline. It has a PH of 11 +    However, anything with "sulfate" in it has some amount of acidity due to the sulphur content.  for example sulphate of ammonia 
  11. nzchili

    pests bugs good or bad? new pic post 10

    the bad new is that they are aphids, though aphids are very easy to deal with. the good news is that it looks like there may be parasitic wasps around killing the aphids.   Your photos are not very good so cant confirm 100%, but see the brown looking ones? Aphids are green, but usually go brown...
  12. nzchili

    Strange looking leafs

    they are fine 
  13. nzchili

    pests Leaf problem and random bug

    could also be russet mite (the brown discoloration I mean, not the visible bugs)
  14. nzchili

    breeding How long after separating to worry about Cross pollenation

      Yes I think you are correct in that the flower thats going to be the female, can be fertilized before it can produce pollen. 
  15. nzchili

    fertilizer Fertilizer Question

    welcome. you should include more info on how you are growing.  looks like you may be talking hydro which I have no experience with. but if you are - you should say so. paint the full picture. cheers     
  16. nzchili

    breeding How long after separating to worry about Cross pollenation

    cross pollination can only happen when both plants have open flowers  The pollen is not produced till the flower is open and mature, and the flower is also not fertile & ready to receive pollen till a similar stage.
  17. nzchili

    NPK ratio?

    Just for arguments sake, what would you say about a fert that was 30-10-20 ?   You say "nothing but" 3-1-2, which maybe slightly misleading to some.   Just because its a lowly 3-1-2 it does not mean its weak as the amount reccomended to mix per liter may be 3 times as much as my Nitrosol, which...
  18. nzchili

    water WATER options

    That would be the perfect term :)   Sorry lol, ever since a dinner table discussion about "organic table salt" iv felt the need to correct such errors. Natural is the perfect term though. So many things that are labelled as "organic" are not really organic (e.g the organic table salt, lol), the...
  19. nzchili

    water WATER options

      No rain water is not organic. No water is organic. Water by definition is the exact opposite of something that is organic.   Define: "Organic"   relating to or derived from living matter.
  20. nzchili

    water WATER options

    No water is not organic, its not made from plant / animal matter / living matter.