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  1. nzchili

    Should I Top A Forked Plant

    Well they have to fork in order to make peppers..each fork = a node. and peppers can only grow from the nodes. A pepper that never forked would never make any peppers.   Has anyone here ever seen a BIG pepper plant that is not at least somewhat bush like? I don't think they really exist..not on...
  2. nzchili

    Should I Top A Forked Plant

    The vast majority of my plants end up as bushes and I don't purposely top any of them. Some always end up getting topped by nature but they all end up similar and bush like in the end.. with the ones topped by nature generally a bit behind and certainly later to bear their first pods. 
  3. nzchili

    The wasps are here!

      lol that last line did make me laugh :)   I meant that newbies would be reading this many who don't participate in the forum as such, who wont pull you up on such statements and will take your advise as fact.    on contrast if you said the same thing to a commercial grower who was seeking a...
  4. nzchili

    The wasps are here!

      You said "There is still nothing quite as effective for aphid control as a daily spray with the garden hose."   So I said imid based insecticides are greater than / trumps "a daily spray with the garden hose."     imid>spray with garden hose.    It may be a good strategy if you don't want to...
  5. nzchili

    The wasps are here!

    imid > daily spray with garden hose  :hell:
  6. nzchili

    Lots of new growth - but season is ending?

    they grow into what we call winter pods. Which are small and generally have no heat / are no good to eat. they just turn red/ripen while very small or premature
  7. nzchili

    nzchili and the kiwi summer

  8. nzchili

    nzchili and the kiwi summer

      From my (soon to be) in laws place in Fiji  :) Its proper name is junglee mircha, which translates to wild pepper in hindi. Its about all we use for cooking. I grow most of the others just for fun.   I could send some seeds your way, but probably not for a month or so till i can harvest some...
  9. nzchili

    Sick Plant

    Just keep at it. and mix your lime sulphur strong. 25ml - 50ml + per L of water depending on how keen you are.  Hard to tell from above pic but looks like things may be coming right?  
  10. nzchili

    fertilizer When to fertilize potting soil?

    welcome. get some real fertilizer 
  11. nzchili

    nzchili and the kiwi summer

      It stands for bhutlah phenotype #3. It was just the naming convention for the different brown bhutlah plants I had. It was number 3 of about 5 different plants that all grew different from some unstable seeds. It was the nastiest one and didnt really turn brown. maybe goes maroon if you leave...
  12. nzchili

    nzchili and the kiwi summer

      haha we are getting lots and lots of rain! Hopefully it dosent last long enough for roots to start rotting. No flooding here though so that's good
  13. nzchili

    Heading to Trinidad, anything to score?

    put seeds in coin pocket in your jeans and forget about them till you get home
  14. nzchili

    nzchili and the kiwi summer

    Small update, The poison seems to have worked and my peppers etc are no longer going missing or getting half there was the scent of dead things in the air for a little while there so pretty sure most of them are no more.   Plants in general are going ok. I sprayed for psyllids a...
  15. nzchili

    seeds Seeds germinating with seed coat still over cotyledons

    Yep if you do nothing they may or may not come off or grow out of it themselves.   Spraying them or keeping them damp is not a sure fix. It will help but it wont save them all.   IMO the best way to remedy it is to reduce it happening in the first place. and to do that, simply plant them a...
  16. nzchili

    New Grower this year

    Welcome. The yellowing is probably wet feet :) Let them dry out a bit. Looking pretty good though. cheers   
  17. nzchili

    Help identifying the issues with these Ghost Peppers

    IMO nitrogen, iron or suphur deficiency. iron / sulphur deficiency may be caused by high PH and not an actual lack of it in the mix
  18. nzchili

    water Could this be something other than over watering?

      Do keep us updated with your progress. Will be good to see the plants bouncing back and get some relevant & up to date evidence that what we are suggesting is at least one way to battle the problem :) cheers 
  19. nzchili

    Bizarre Curling

      The first broad mites I ever got, I got them while my plants were inside over winter. Go figure. 
  20. nzchili

    water Could this be something other than over watering?

      Says the guy whose never had broad mite.   Sulphur may kill some insects it touches but that's it. Its not going to kill an insect that lands on the plant after the fact. It may harm insects that are there to rec the full brunt of the spray but that all.   Sulphur is a far stretch systemic...