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  1. nzchili

    Australian Fertiliser

    get the osmocote in the orange container that says its for tomatoes etc
  2. nzchili

    Advice for my Bishops Crown

      and cut off the distorted new growth :) 
  3. nzchili

    Advice for my Bishops Crown

    I should have mentioned, that my real theory and looking at the greater issue would be that either the P or the K is locking out one of the trace elements mentioned in my previous post. So adding more of the what it is deficient in, is probably not the fix.   I would have to look up which nute...
  4. nzchili

    misc Give a shout-out to the most productive variety you've grown...

    this one has small peppers..but is very productive.   my finger included to put the flowers / pods per area into perspective :) its a wild pepper from fiji.  
  5. nzchili

    Advice for my Bishops Crown

    that new growth looks funky..looks like mites that is more than an N deficiency. could also be boron, zinc, molybdenum or Magnesium deficiency / a combination of those. all of which effect new growth like that   
  6. nzchili

    pests Aphids Observation and Experiment To Try Out

    yep, egg plants are also good for drawing aphid fire :)    
  7. nzchili

    How do I lower my PH in my solo cups?

    Peat moss is also quite acidic as far as soil additions go. It can even be used to lower the PH in pots etc by top dressing. In short, it does not sound like you have a high PH issue. Sounds like your testing your soil / slurry using normal tap water.   You need to test using PH neutral water.  ...
  8. nzchili

    Potting Up Sizes

    Yep go as big as you can, as early as you can. And transplant as fewer times as possible.  
  9. nzchili

    nzchili and the kiwi summer

    Well this makes me a little sad :(   Was really looking forward to these watermelons..I bought a watermelon from some guy on the side of the road last year..was the biggest tastiest watermelon ever, so i kept the seems from it and called it the "roadside watermelon"   First my rocotos we eaten /...
  10. nzchili

    nzchili and the kiwi summer

    Hi guys, thought I would make my own thread here rather than keep clogging up the great kiwi pepper thread.. Its a bit late as we are half way through our season..but's a couple pics of how things are shaping up.   This year I have many unlabeled volunteers so will be interesting to...
  11. nzchili

    overwintering first year over wintering peppers

      I agree, looks to be magnesium deficiency. I would water in a teaspoon or so of magnesium sulphate mixed with a litre or so of water. Then I would also give the plant a healthy dose of a quality, complete fert.
  12. nzchili

    Leaf curling problem and more -- Help

    lime sulphur is a pretty good general purpose spray.. It will not kill the aphids as such (well it might if you make it strong enough), but what it will do is destroy their habitat by making it inhospitable for them to continue living there. It throws the PH on the surface of the plant out of...
  13. nzchili

    Leaf curling problem and more -- Help

    I hate seeing that brown looking fungus or whatever it mind always jumps straight to broad mites when I see that.   Could be boron. Boron does funny things with new growth, however the fact that the new growth lower down the plant does not look the same makes me think its pest / fungal...
  14. nzchili

    seeds My seedlings have too many tophats, killing my plants

      soil should always be moist during germination / sprouting. but the main point is that there needs to be enough resistance put on the seed case by the soil, so that the seed case stays put underneath the soil an does not get pulled up and out of the soil along with the sprout.   to remedy, you...
  15. nzchili

    seeds My seedlings have too many tophats, killing my plants

    no, you didnt plant the seeds deep enough. the seed needs enough resistance from the soil that when it tries to pull its head(cotys) out of the seed case, the seed case stays put in the soil and the cotys emerge from the seed case
  16. nzchili

    Culling vs. Transplanting your starts

    I have trouble getting rid of them just because they are slower than others. You never know, the slow runt may turn out to be "the one" we have all been searching for :) Some of my slowest plants have been the meanest/hottest  
  17. nzchili

    Culling vs. Transplanting your starts

    I used to separate them, now im OK with 2 or even 3 being together.   2 medium sized plants in a pot vs 1 big plant in a pot? Meh   I usually dont cull unless they are really poor specimens and/or sick
  18. nzchili

    fertilizer Fertilizer Dilution...

      lol had to google to see what that is. We dont have that here.   your right though, it looks to be just what plants need.   Brawndo only water...its a complete solution for plant health and its spiritual well being.   FYI there is a new hydro method that's gaining popularity..its...
  19. nzchili

    yield Increasing yield with food flavour enhancer. Anyone has experience with this?

      but had they only used water, with no red bull then their plants would have been was documented by the control plants. too much of anything can be bad... even a small amount of red bull can be bad..takes more water than red bull to have a negative effect
  20. nzchili

    fertilizer Fertilizer Dilution...

      I think everyone already knows that they need to water their plants..  :rolleyes: Are you suggesting not to use any fertilizer and to water only?   Water all you want, but if the plant is in a pot then there is a limit to how much nutes are contained in that portion of soil..the nutes will...