seeds-germination My seedlings have too many tophats, killing my plants

no, you didnt plant the seeds deep enough.
the seed needs enough resistance from the soil that when it tries to pull its head(cotys) out of the seed case, the seed case stays put in the soil and the cotys emerge from the seed case
Rajun Gardener said:
Thanks. I only planted about an 1/8" deep but I see what you mean. The soil will stay moist and make the seedling gooseneck out of the seed. 
soil should always be moist during germination / sprouting. but the main point is that there needs to be enough resistance put on the seed case by the soil, so that the seed case stays put underneath the soil an does not get pulled up and out of the soil along with the sprout.
to remedy, you could either plant deeper, or you could compact the soil more over the seeds, so it puts more pressure on the seed case to stop it popping up and out of the soil along with the sprout.  If you see one that's just starting to sprout with a helmet head (still a hook), you can go and pile more dirt on top of it (make a little mound) so it can have another try at removing its helmet. This usually works. Needs to be when its still a hook though.
best practice, IMO, is to remove any sort of dome or cover as soon as you see any signs of germination. this may not be possible depending on where you are / the temps you need to deal with though.
I usually plant my seeds between approx 1/2 and 1" deep now to avoid helmet heads.
Planting deep enough - could help. But I use to put my seeds on top of soil, not covering at all, and spray them, to see what is sprouting and what not. And there are no helmet heads.
People who use the papel towel method could input their experience, I am sure most if not all of them have no helmet heads. And I am not talking about papel towel in a bag, but in a tupper ware or other kind of box.
So, I think the seeds have to be moist enough.
Maybe later will be able to put a picture.
yeah if you are losing them to helmet heads its a moisture issue as the seeding will grow out of the helmet if its moist... but you can also use my little tape trick... long skinny piece of waterproof tape like duct tape or sports tape... like 1/4" wide and long... wrap one end around the helmet, bend it over by pulling a little and tape the other side to the side of tray/pot... give the seedling something to pull against...
JUR-Z-Devil said:
yeah if you are losing them to helmet heads its a moisture issue as the seeding will grow out of the helmet if its moist... but you can also use my little tape trick... long skinny piece of waterproof tape like duct tape or sports tape... like 1/4" wide and long... wrap one end around the helmet, bend it over by pulling a little and tape the other side to the side of tray/pot... give the seedling something to pull against...
This I would love to see.
Picture please.
Pepper people. :rolleyes:  :idea:
i dont have any seedlings with helmets on the right now, but what exactly is it you are having trouble with? its not that complicated.. long skinny piece of tape one end on the helmet one end stuck to the side of the pot... whats the issue?
hey we're in luck,i did have one... it didnt need it as the leaves were coming out just fine (most will grow out on their own but if you have one having real trouble and you wanna save it try this) but i just did it to demonstrate... sorry for the blurry pic.. old ass camera phone so close ups suck but i think you get the idea... just along thin strip of medical tape...fold it over and pinch lightly on to the helmet..  pull to the side nice and easy and tape it there... the plant will pull itself out trying to grow back up to the light​
JUR-Z-Devil said:
oh, i took the rolling eyes as you thought it was crazy or something... if i get one with a helmet i'll post a pic...
He/she gets offended very easily!  I'm actually surprised you didn't get a lecture, and go straight to the "block list".   :D