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  1. M

    Mitzi's 2019 - Grow, grow, grow your Bhut

    Nothing to report.  The weather has been cold and wet, seemingly for weeks.  No sun.  So much rain.     All my outdoor plants are stalled - no growth, not many flowers, no pods setting.  The purple-leafed plants (PdN, Purple Tiger and PdN x BMJ) are reverting back to green because they've not...
  2. M

    Trippaul Threat (PdN x BMJ) Community Grow

    Super hot weather?  Urgh.  We are having wet, cold, wet, cold, wet and did I mention wet?  No sun.  No warmth.  Going on for at least a couple of weeks if not more (feels like months.)  The forecast is for more of the same.   My outdoor plants are just looking pathetic and miserable.  The indoor...
  3. M

    Trippaul Threat (PdN x BMJ) Community Grow

    The plant that I topped has nearly reached the top of the window again, but at least this time it seems to have flower buds forming.     The plant that is already flowering is weird - the flowers on one branch all have a purple tinge to the backs of the petals.  The flowers on another branch are...
  4. M

    It's hairy but it's not pubescens

    Hopefully it will be flowering and fruiting soon so a more definite id can be made.
  5. M

    White Bubblegum 7 seeds

    Just as well that you've found some - my plant has started to set pods and they don't have the big calyx that I was expecting.  Maybe they're not true.  I might be coming to you for seeds next season!
  6. M

    Advice needed re. pot sizes

    I put the Paprika, Monkey Face and Red Hab into smaller pots.     Guyana Rush, Havana Gold, Berry Amarillo into large pots.  I also put Lemon Spice Jalapeno in a large pot and I used another large pot for several Purple Tigers, i.e. I put multiple plants into one pot.   That leaves me with five...
  7. M

    Advice needed re. pot sizes

    Big pot, big plant is very true but I have a short growing season and these plants will be outdoors. Sometimes in a big pot they spend so long growing into a big plant that by the time they set fruit, there isnt enough time for them to ripen before the frost comes.
  8. M

    Advice needed re. pot sizes

    Not sure I fully understand the question. Do you mean as opposed to hydroponically? Im using various proprietary potting mediums e.g. Canna Terra Pro in my pots depending on whats on offer when I go to the shop.
  9. M

    Advice needed re. pot sizes

    Advice needed, chaps and chapesses... which of these plants need a big pot? Ten large pots (approx 20l I think) currently available and everything else has to go in MFBs (approx 10l?)  14 possible candidates: Cseresznye Paprika (annuum) Lemon Spice Jalapeno (annuum) Monkey Face (annuum) Aji...
  10. M

    Trippaul Threat (PdN x BMJ) Community Grow

      Flower buds just forming on one of my plants.  Some are purple-tinted on the back of the petals and some are just white.  Weird.
  11. M

    White Bubblegum 7 seeds

      I don't know what has happened to AJ Drew but he hasn't been active on this forum since last year.  I am growing white Bubblegum this year with seeds from the European Seed Train.  I don't have any spare but am hoping to save some later in the season, if I'm able to isolate some flowers.  ...
  12. M

    Mitzi's 2019 - Grow, grow, grow your Bhut

    We've just had a long weekend and I had planned some massive potting up sessions and getting everything outdoors.  In the event, the weather forecast changed to cold nights (down to 6*C) so I did some potting up Saturday and Sunday but put most of it on hold because I don't want to risk my...
  13. M

    I'm in and starting with Reapers and Cayenne

      I did watch it.  Yep, he is a dead ringer for Theon.   Looks like 46*F is a shade below 8*C.  It's been 6 or 7*C here for the last couple of nights and will be again tonight so I've been dragging my chinenses indoors and out again although I left the annuums, baccatums and pubescens to fend...
  14. M

    Trippaul Threat (PdN x BMJ) Community Grow

      These look very similar to Heefy's ones from last year, so hopefully this is what mine will look like, if I am lucky enough to get some.
  15. M

    Trippaul Threat (PdN x BMJ) Community Grow

    Wow, Devv, those look fabulous!   My first plant is still indoors in a pop bottle but on Sunday I potted up the second plant into its final pot (a flower bucket approx 10 litres) and put it outside.  Had to bring it in again last night (& will do tonight) as temps are down to 7*C but should be...
  16. M

    Can anyone bring me up to speed as to what has happened since 2011?

      Has anyone answered about the bubblegums?  According to THSC, they were bred by Jon Harper in the UK from a cross between a Trinidad Moruga Scorpion and Yellow 7 pot pepper.   I think the original was red and other colours have followed.
  17. M

    Can anyone bring me up to speed as to what has happened since 2011?

    J H Skarby is right about the PdN crosses being everywhere these days.  One of them, Pink Tiger, is incredibly popular with UK growers even though nobody has ever reproduced the stripes claimed by the original breeder.  I agree about PdN being difficult.  I didn't get a single pod last year. ...
  18. M

    I'm in and starting with Reapers and Cayenne

    Jungle Joe, I hope you keep the plants safe from the wildlife and have a good grow.  It's quite late in the season for such tiny plants.  If your Reapers don't make it to fruiting this year, will you be able to bring them indoors to overwinter?           Deadhead - just a warning.  Watch out for...
  19. M

    Trippaul Threat (PdN x BMJ) Community Grow

    I'm getting confused (not difficult!)  Isn't the point of a grow like this to try to stabilise the cross into a new variety?  But it seems like we are just getting more and more divergence with different colours, shapes and whatnot.  What are we aiming for?   I'm not going to be getting pods any...
  20. M

    Trippaul Threat (PdN x BMJ) Community Grow

    Are these pods typical shape?  I only ask because I passed a plant on to a friend, who has asked me what shape the pods should be.  Her plant is flowering.  Mine haven't started yet.     So how would you describe the shape, in words?