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  1. Nuclieye

    Helmet Heads

    All my seeds get a 24hr soak in DI water with a little saltpeter before planting, germ rates are very good and never have an issue of what your calling helmet heads.  Then again I keep them in high humidity until they are starting true leaves so that helps keep the husks soft.
  2. Nuclieye

    lighting Optimum Number of Lighting Hours?

    I've read all I can find and found nothing that sounded to have found the truth.  While doing so I also experimented in my grow room and have concluded that 24/7 light is just fine if you can also provide nutrients and H2o in the proper amounts per species 24/7 which is really hard to do.  Much...
  3. Nuclieye

    Advice on how to pollinate this year

      Well thanks for that vid, showed me yet another way that it ain't going to happen.  The OD of blooms are only 4mm at best, many are under 2mm that I think could be viable for a true F2.  Any other sporting ideas?
  4. Nuclieye

    annuum hottest annuum variety you have tried/grown

    Crossing for my own version of what your asking for, doesn't look to be much out there from my research.  Harvested my wild ones from the foothills of my mining claims so pretty sure they are true natives.  Crossed with Reaper and trying for an F2 pod this year.  Flowers are still very small...
  5. Nuclieye

    Advice on how to pollinate this year

    And?   Panties look a bit snug on you BTW, consider next size please? :drooling:
  6. Nuclieye

    Advice on how to pollinate this year

    Sooo, lets assume you now have your big girl panties on and are over "it", and now fully understanding my original question of how to improve on my technique of cross pollinating such a tiny and delicate bloom do you have anything productive to add to the post?  I'm actually considering some...
  7. Nuclieye

    Advice on how to pollinate this year

    Hmmm?  Welcome aboard BCE...  Sorry to have interrupted your early morning with my post and thanks for responding.  Please don't take offense that your response was completely off base in response to my actual question on how to CROSS pollinate my F2's with less trouble for such a tiny bloom.  ...
  8. Nuclieye

    Advice on how to pollinate this year

    OR bees could be different I guess, never "bee"n there so don't know personally. :rolleyes:
  9. Nuclieye

    seeds Source for Wiri Wiri seeds?

    We were already in the middle of a seed swap so as to not change the deal I posted here and asked him in PM where to get them.  Nice guy to just add some to the swap.  Thanks again man!
  10. Nuclieye

    seeds Source for Wiri Wiri seeds?

    Looks like a nice addition to my grow but unable to locate reputable seed stock.
  11. Nuclieye

    Advice on how to pollinate this year

    Exactly... I do not have problems pollinating with same, I'm crossing again for an F2
  12. Nuclieye

    seeds wiri-wiri woes - seedlings stopped growing

    I'm sure your humidity is much higher than here so next bet from me is your heat possibly?  They still look ok, but less water and patience now is my guess.  Look pretty wet.
  13. Nuclieye

    Advice on how to pollinate this year

    Last year I had a pain of a time getting a cross but did finally get a few pods.  Native wild Chiltepins here in Arizona are getting hard to find and the Bradshaw ones are now very rare in the wild.  Last year I crossed two Reapers with them by using a micro vacuum when the bloom was just...
  14. Nuclieye

    seeds wiri-wiri woes - seedlings stopped growing

    +1  I recommend just lifting the lid so that a little more air can get in for a few days while checking water levels.  Out here even a day can dry them out badly.  When they still look ok with that take the lid off.  A day or two later re-pot or put to ground.
  15. Nuclieye

    Long roots and Solo cups??

    Sure wouldn't plant them into a solo cup.  If still too cold to kick them out of the house I would go straight to a 1 gallon pot and water with the same nute's but just enough to keep the soil damp.
  16. Nuclieye

    Removing Flower Buds?

    I would snip the buds at that stage of growth but thats just me.  Usually I wait after topping it for them to bush out more, top those and then let it flower.  Everyone does it a little different depending on their variety and needs, thats the fun part. They look pretty healthy so your doing...
  17. Nuclieye

    hybrid Crossing Peppers - What are you mixing? Success stories!

    I have several F1 Reaper / AZ wild Chiltepins that are growing under lights still.  Flowerring like crazy and only 7" tall and bushy.  The Reaper seed was from PJ's and from what I've read may be suspect but they sure looked like the real thing.  My first cross experiment so we shall see, a...
  18. Nuclieye

    Multi Year Grows

    I have two Chiltepins that are now 3 years old and getting better all the time.  Had a few Bell's years back that reached 6 before we composted them, they were 6' tall then but each year after year 2 the fruit got smaller and smaller.  May have been soil, don't know and didnt bother messing with...
  19. Nuclieye

    My DIY LED build

    I've added UV A in the 400nm range for a few years since I have thousands of them laying around. The starts under them do get leggy quickly then when 6" tall and they get topped they explode out the sides.
  20. Nuclieye

    hydroponic How and when to use hydroponic nutrients in soil

    I use my hydro water waste from change outs in my outside plants all the time. No problems but can't say it helps any either.