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annuum hottest annuum variety you have tried/grown

I am looking for annuums that are HOT, but not as small as tepin (chiltepin) or pequin. I am looking to make powders that pack a punch, but don't have the chinense overtones.
Crossing for my own version of what your asking for, doesn't look to be much out there from my research.  Harvested my wild ones from the foothills of my mining claims so pretty sure they are true natives.  Crossed with Reaper and trying for an F2 pod this year.  Flowers are still very small, even smaller than natives so no idea whats coming.  Just experimenting is interesting.
Goats weed I will try! Judy at pepperlover has them listed online. It sounds like they are a real workhorse producer!
@Nuclieye, I would love to see pictures and hear of your results as the season gets going.
As always, thanks THP community!
I like many Thai types, esp. Thai Orange, which seems to be more prolific in production as compared to Goat's Weed. Also, Rooster Spur, Sadabahar, Thai Dragon, and Thai Orange, in my opinion have better flavor. Grind them together and you have a great powder. Oh one last thing, Purira is surprisingly prolific, hot, and has great flavor for an Annuum.
The Goatsweed has a really deceptive burn, must people I let try swear its a superhot.  I grew the last two seasons and it was a big producer, not growing this year though. 
Buzzman19 said:
The Goatsweed has a really deceptive burn, must people I let try swear its a superhot.  I grew the last two seasons and it was a big producer, not growing this year though. 
Why did it make it to your cut list?
alphajam said:
Why did it make it to your cut list?
Well, I have a bunch of new varieties to grow and only so much room.  I have seed stock for the Goat's Weed and will regrow it again in a couple of years.   
Goatsweed is a good choice but I have a yellow Thai for my personal choice. I'm raising Carolina Cayenne this year that I hope replaces
my yellow Thai..
robbyjoe01 said:
Goatsweed is a good choice but I have a yellow Thai for my personal choice. I'm raising Carolina Cayenne this year that I hope replaces
my yellow Thai..
Robbyjoe! Haven't seen you around since the other site folded. How ya been, bro?
cmpman1974 said:
Some S. African annuums I've grown pack a serious punch. :)  
Chris we need to chat!  I don't think those things are here anymore!  I remember as a kid there were some really interesting tepin-like cultivars - fruits similar to Black Pearl in shape.  They were hot and had a lovely smoky overtone.  They were everywhere in Cape Town - every Portuguese household had some. I haven't seen them in decades.
In Muaritius and Reunion there are some serious annuum - i received some from Reunion that are known as Petit Piment over there - in the local Creole dialect they are called tit piment which is pronounced tea pimaw.  They are hot and very tasty - they are used to make a rough paste with garlic and ginger with some oil added.  Really good stuff.