That's the thing. Mine are in pots so The ones in One gals wilt daily an havent podded but the one in the 10ish gal doesn't wilt unless I miss a day but it is soo hot and dry. I was expectig fire. I might mail a pod out to see what others think lol
IDK... I have been watering daily but thats only because if I dont, they will die.. At least the ones inthe smaller pots will. I know that becsue they wilt to the point of the stems dropping a bit almost every morning.. But I am gonna probably try the other one today.. I would agree that...
So here are two semi-rip bhut pods I chewed up (and spit since I was on an empty stomach), one two days ago and one today, and neither of them really lit me up. I mean they are hot like my first habaneros or liek when I ate two habaneros at once a few days ago, but not horrible and I didn't need...
The only thing up with avgs is lets say a bhut hits on the scale
10x: 200k
20x: 1.3m
That doesnt mean you are probably going to geta pepper with a shu between that. It means that you ar emost liekly gonna get a 1.3m pepper with the chance of a very low one.. Otherwsie, the avg wouldve...
its fun to watch ur plant pod up, fun to watch them ripen, fun to eat them and suffer, and even more fun to watch others try to do the same with peppers u grew and run around like little girls
I personally think they should just use the median number to the 100k for anything over 600k to make it easier lol.. they can still have the same records but they should have one of those charts too becasue unless you are eating 10 at a time you arent feeling the mean, but you are feeling most...
I agree.. Never grown a Fatali plant befor emyself, but I know my bhuts have ripened from top to bottom so Id let them turn one uniform color for best ripe flavor. Especially the first one., then youc an try semi ripe ones to see if you like those
I don't think these comments were called for.. You can say that you don't beleive the hype for the pepper being so hot but don't throw digs at Ted for no reason.... Just keep it friendly guys.. Its a pepper forum for god's sake.
Personally I doubt that the pepper is avg over a butch t or even...
How hot do you want it? If you want everyone to be able to eat it. then get fresnos... They are sweet and delicious with mild heat.
i just started some myself so i can hae fall/winter pods :)
Picked bhuts becasue they were the first seeds I could get and now I like growing them because they are the classic superhand.. And then i pixcked yellow since it has a good taste according to people, yellow scorp cuz itll look awesome being yellow and hagin a tail, and douglah because it is...
Those sound very good if they dont taste like regular habs because I really dislike red habs..
If you save seed form those pods Ill trade you for some..
Also, try a fresno pepper.. They are mildly hot and crispy/juicy and sweet kinda like a bell pepper with a little heaat. And the seeds are...
IS the basic red chilli possibly a fresno? I just sowed some seeds from an unnamed storebought red chili that lookd identical to the one in the Chili's (restaurant) logo. It looks kinda like a red jalapeno too but I am pretty sure its a fresno because it is more triangular.. Also it was very...
Thanks! I bet they are lol... Kinda nervous to eat this one!!!!! hahaha
Thanks man!!! Believe it or not I took it with my iPhone 4s. They take great quality pics if you focus them correctly..