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  1. majistic


    put up a scare wasp in your garden.
  2. majistic

    Self Pollination Necessary?

    since I have been rubbing my finger on inside of flowers and moving on to the next i've got a few more pods setting
  3. majistic

    Self Pollination Necessary?

    The temps vary from 90-100*F during the hottest points in the day and 50-63*F at night. So I try to keep it at a temp of 65-85.
  4. majistic


    Sierra Nevada Pale Ale. 12 Pack will be gone by the time the nights over along with grilling up some Chicken and Rice!
  5. majistic

    Self Pollination Necessary?

    Thanks Patrick. Yes I have my plants on about a 6 hour cycle of direct sunlight and when temps are to hot outside I bring them inside until it cools off outside. Seems to somewhat be working hey at least I got a pod!
  6. majistic

    Self Pollination Necessary?

    I've got my first Hab pod growing, I have self pollinated here and there but not in a few days. Flowers are continuing to drop off. Is it necessary for me to self pollinate since the bees have already moved on?
  7. majistic

    Very Basic Question

    I am trying a few different methods with mine over the next few weeks to see which is better.
  8. majistic

    Greetings from Finland!

    welcome from the left coast of the states!
  9. majistic

    smoking BBQ Food Photos

    Zander very nice! I am on my way! your only a few hours away :cool: Is that butter on those ribs?
  10. majistic

    Very Basic Question

    As you know armac, seems as though my plants don't really like the weather that's above 90*
  11. majistic

    Where to purchase hot sauce?

    So i've been to the usual grocery stores (safeway, raleys) just cannot seem to find hot hot sauce. Where are some places that I should be checking?
  12. majistic

    Chili Monsta Grow List 2011

    yes it works. Looks Great!
  13. majistic

    Habanero Flowers Dropping Off!

    what if during the few hottest hours out of the day I moved the plant into the shade, then when it cools down throw it back into sunlight. On average it would still get 9-10 hours of sunlight.
  14. majistic

    Habanero Flowers Dropping Off!

    Hello fellow pepperheads! I am new to these forums and have been reading alot over the past few days, and seems like you all know what your talking about. I am having an issue with my habaneros. The flowers bloom then fall off. I have been watering 1 time a day around 6-7pm with a good drink...
  15. majistic

    How are everyone's plants doing in this heat?

    not bad my habs love the weather weve been having 80s-90 during the day and down to about 60 at night. anything 100 or above I get flower droppage