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  1. Jessica

    plant Two mystery plants-updated

    Here are some more pics of the second plant This is the same pod as the first pic Another pod new pod forming flower
  2. Jessica

    Total noob Glog

    I think mystery #1 can be officially called a jalapeno. The last time I was at Home Depot, I tried to find some of those cheap bamboo stakes for support if I needed them, and they didn't have any. Gonna try Lowe's sometime
  3. Jessica

    plant Two mystery plants-updated

    I didn't think that the second was a datil. My labeled datil plant does have different leaves from this one, though it doesn't have any pods yet to compare. Thank you for confirming that it's a jalapeno. My brother looked at it the other day and asked if it was one lol. I had another two...
  4. Jessica

    Total noob Glog

    Some pod pics Mystery #1 (Is this a Jalapeno?) Mystery #3 I posted these in ID as well, hopefully the mysteries can be
  5. Jessica

    plant Two mystery plants-updated

    Like all my other mystery plants, these came from ajijoe's mystery hot seed mix. It's probably a bit early to tell what these are, will try to update it when the pods get full size and start changing colors. #1-Plant #1-Pods (Jalapeno possibly?) #2-Plant #2-Pods- This one's seed came...
  6. Jessica

    hot-sauce Just got my Lucky Dog Hot Sauce!

    Couldn't wait til dinner to try it, made some breakfast taters. Was awesome!
  7. Jessica

    hot-sauce Just got my Lucky Dog Hot Sauce!

    I got my Red Label today too. Tastes pretty good right out of the bottle. Gonna do some cookin tomorrow to try it out on food(hmm...burgers maybe...or fish...)
  8. Jessica

    hot-sauce should i pick up sriracha

    Sriracha marinated beef jerky=crack Seriously, I even tried labeling the flavor as "poo" to deter people from eating it and I still only got two pieces
  9. Jessica

    Total noob Glog

    Yesterday, I sprayed them again in the morning, hand picked the rest of them around noon, hosed them, and moved the plants to a temp spot in full sun. I was going to move them into the greenhouse thing, but there was a giant pissed off black wasp in there that couldn't find its way out for four...
  10. Jessica

    threw away a damn good mango!

    Take off the skin and rinse it and it should be fine. The peel is the part that has the urushiol. The first time I ate one I got a couple of bumps on my lips, but I have no reaction at all with peeled mangoes.
  11. Jessica

    Total noob Glog

    I was checking my CCN plants today, in the rain, and I saw a leaf sitting in the pot of one of the scotch bonnets. I picked it up and saw my first aphids all over that leaf. After checking every single one of the CCN plants, 8/12 had some aphids. Most of them had like three aphids, but some...
  12. Jessica

    Total noob Glog

    With all the 95 degree heat, Mystery #1 and #3 lost a bunch of flowers. About five pods set between the two of them. Datil finally has buds, and Lemon Drop has dropped every one of its flowers. Cooler week coming up, hope to get some pods set! Mystery #2 with its new leaves Basket of Fire...
  13. Jessica

    free Free: Culantro Seeds ===Closed===

    Mine just arrived, going to start some, thanks
  14. Jessica

    Strange leaves

    It's a mystery plant. I'm planning on trying to get an ID when it has pods
  15. Jessica

    Strange leaves

    Yes, it was three leaves from the bottom of the plant and they all fell off.
  16. Jessica


    Here they are. They are in this spot until they outgrow it. The ones in front get more sun. The red one you can see in the corner is my dad's This is the one has barely grown and has a couple of crispy leaves
  17. Jessica

    Strange leaves

    Just repotted it to five gal a five days ago. The soil it was in previously is Pro-Mix ultimate organic and the new soil is the much cheaper Pro-Mix all purpose. Also, the plant is dropping flowers and I am OCD about hand pollinating Two days of 90 degree plus weather so far this...
  18. Jessica

    Strange leaves

    I haven't fertilized it since the about the end of April-early May, because I damaged two plants with too much fertilizer.
  19. Jessica

    Strange leaves

    One of my plants dropped two leaves that looked like this today, and another one like it is still on the plant. I have no idea what this is. Virus? Bugs? Nutrient Deficiency? Nothing to worry about? Also, I picked leafhopper off of the plant today. Don't even know if those hurt plants
  20. Jessica


    I really like the ones with red/orange like the one in the bottom center in pic five, Very nice collection you got there. Out of the four ones I have, Coloring Book and Saturn have taken off like crazy, and the other two get sunburned too easily, even though the site said that Mocha Mint...