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plant Two mystery plants-updated

Like all my other mystery plants, these came from ajijoe's mystery hot seed mix. It's probably a bit early to tell what these are, will try to update it when the pods get full size and start changing colors.



#1-Pods (Jalapeno possibly?)




#2-Pods- This one's seed came attached to a small piece of pod in the seed bag. The piece of pod was the hottest thing I've ever eaten, which really doesn't say much.

I didn't think that the second was a datil. My labeled datil plant does have different leaves from this one, though it doesn't have any pods yet to compare.

Thank you for confirming that it's a jalapeno. My brother looked at it the other day and asked if it was one lol. I had another two mystery plants from these seeds, but they are still recovering from being eaten down to stumps, the pods on them never got to full size and I'm not sure if they'll make it to another round of pods before frost.
Plant #1 is turning purplish black. Every one of the peppers on the plant has a blackish tint, I guess it doesn't show up well in the photos.


And plant two is going orange. The colors are bad in these pics, it's a little more orange in real life

