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  1. ABurningMouth


  2. ABurningMouth

    ThePepperGrowingMan's 2011 Grow Log (DWC)

    Whoo hoo! Congrats on the BS. I can't wait to see how they all do in their hydro homes. Thanks for the update.
  3. ABurningMouth

    What a slut of a flower

    There's a little black (er purple) pod on there. What country are you from? We're covered with snow here.
  4. ABurningMouth

    What a slut of a flower

    I think he means like: "Is it a Black Hungarian?", or whatever.
  5. ABurningMouth

    My 2010 First Ever Chilli Grow

    Yeah I guess I was just going from my own experience with stuff that just grows out of my old dirt all the time. I should have trusted the tomato experts with the baby leaf identification. :doh: That fogponics is really nice. I gotta try that.
  6. ABurningMouth

    MY EXTREME Yummy Orange Thread

    What is a yummy orange? Is it a new one? Sounds like a winner because most people are wimps when it comes to hot stuff. I'm about the only one I know around here that likes hot food. Where did you get the seeds?
  7. ABurningMouth

    overwintering Single bedroom apartment winter pepper growing

    I think it's pretty cool too. Keep up the good work.
  8. ABurningMouth

    My 2010 First Ever Chilli Grow

    It's a pepper plant. That's pretty cool. That purple capsicum is a good choice too. :cool:
  9. ABurningMouth

    My 2010 First Ever Chilli Grow

    I love this grow! You have quite a variety. You are doing so well, it's hard to believe this is your first time. I've still never had a real "in-the-ground" garden yet. Do you mean pollination? Ants are always climbing in my flowers too.
  10. ABurningMouth

    Growing season. Wasted time, plants cooking in small pots

    I love your porch pics. I want to see more. Is there a solid roof there? What direction are we facing? Where is sun coming from at what time? I am jealous of the shade cloth. Is there enough air flow now? Can you roll it up or down a little? What is your soil mix? Looks like...
  11. ABurningMouth

    Yellow bhut.

    The YB is a little bumpy, thinner, rounder, and longer than the fatalli. The flavor reminds me of it, but it's hotter and more pungent.
  12. ABurningMouth

    This is what you get...

    Congrats What kind of peppers are they? They look kind of peach to me.
  13. ABurningMouth

    breeding Chinense or Annuum cross ?

    Greek to me too.
  14. ABurningMouth

    Your tax dollars at work

    uh- I tried to get some once and they said I had to be an institute of higher learning or something before I could have some. Good job and good luck to ya.
  15. ABurningMouth

    pics ABM's Indiana Summer 2010 Pics

    Brito, Thanks anyway my friend. I do not need any more Pimenta Da Neyde seeds. I saved plenty from last year. I appreciate the comments. :) You have many interesting species that I would like to grow but I have enough to keep me busy this year. I would like to hear more of the story of...
  16. ABurningMouth

    Brito's Pepper Plantation

    Very nice pictures Brito. They look very tasty. Are they all chinense?
  17. ABurningMouth

    JungleRain's 2010/2011 season

    :shocked: Whoa! That's too much! :censored: Taking a full load this year huh? Wow! "With great numbers of plants comes great responsibility."
  18. ABurningMouth

    pics ABM's Indiana Summer 2010 Pics

    This is one of my favorite new introductions. Lipstick (c.annuum) Goatsweed x (Prairie Fire x B. Rainbow) It starts out black before turning a real exotic red. The stems are fuzzy and the leaves are a little smaller than a Goatsweed's are. It is a very aggressive grower that stays green even...
  19. ABurningMouth

    pics ABM's Indiana Summer 2010 Pics

    Ha Ha yeah. Thanks :) The roots are kind of striped. Now since I been using the rain water again they are looking way better than last time. (I was lazy and used the hose water for a couple weeks, then I was gone for 4 days so their water didn't get changed.--not good) They still have some...
  20. ABurningMouth

    Potawie's summer of 2010

    Awesome plants as usual. That CR is really cool and the cap 1546s are nice plants to grow eh?