Yeah I guess I was just going from my own experience with stuff that just grows out of my old dirt all the time. I should have trusted the tomato experts with the baby leaf identification. :doh:
That fogponics is really nice. I gotta try that.
What is a yummy orange? Is it a new one?
Sounds like a winner because most people are wimps when it comes to hot stuff. I'm about the only one I know around here that likes hot food.
Where did you get the seeds?
I love this grow! You have quite a variety. You are doing so well, it's hard to believe this is your first time. I've still never had a real "in-the-ground" garden yet.
Do you mean pollination?
Ants are always climbing in my flowers too.
I love your porch pics. I want to see more. Is there a solid roof there? What direction are we facing? Where is sun coming from at what time? I am jealous of the shade cloth. Is there enough air flow now? Can you roll it up or down a little?
What is your soil mix? Looks like...
uh- I tried to get some once and they said I had to be an institute of higher learning or something before I could have some. Good job and good luck to ya.
Thanks anyway my friend. I do not need any more Pimenta Da Neyde seeds. I saved plenty from last year. I appreciate the comments. :)
You have many interesting species that I would like to grow but I have enough to keep me busy this year.
I would like to hear more of the story of...
This is one of my favorite new introductions. Lipstick (c.annuum) Goatsweed x (Prairie Fire x B. Rainbow)
It starts out black before turning a real exotic red. The stems are fuzzy and the leaves are a little smaller than a Goatsweed's are. It is a very aggressive grower that stays green even...
Ha Ha yeah.
Thanks :)
The roots are kind of striped.
Now since I been using the rain water again they are looking way better than last time.
(I was lazy and used the hose water for a couple weeks, then I was gone for 4 days so their water didn't get changed.--not good)
They still have some...