Heres the ingredients list for this batch. Vers:010
Pears, Chillis (Habanero 20%, Asian Birdseye 18%, Long Green 7% Jalapeno 7%, 15% Douglah/7-Pot) ,Gari, Vinegar, Garlic, Cinnamon, Black Olives, Brandy Essence, White Pepper.
Sure can - $15/bottle + postage. Payments can be paypal'd to Any probs PM me :)
LOL - its a standard white wall, the sauce has that effect on its surroundings
G'day everyone, Latest 'pain' news for all the addicts out there:
I bought up all the ingredients for another batch of pain {including some very nice Habs from Mr Stillmanz backyard farm} BUT .....
I kept looking out the window at my Douglahs & 7's & after losing three harvests to wind &...
Mjdtexan You say you have one slot taken & 2 spare, Thats an odd configuration as most pc's have an even number of RAM slots. Either way try to get a 'matched pair' of 512 or above RAM. Put them in the slots closest to your CPU. A matched pair will be detceted as one lump and operate faster than...
It sounds like my kind of grow log, I planted mine exactly "a few weeks ago" theres 5 varieties & 12 plants all up. 2 plants are from the monster cherry tom that overgrew the old chook shed year before last - seed came from one of them that regrew of itself after the chook shed had gone (they...
not at uni yet, this is more like college - Uni~ I dunno, will depend on my score from this year
They're gonna let me loose in a lab MMWWahahahahahahaaaaa
Finalised my enrolment today, heading back to TAFE. Basically its just to reacquaint myself with the study regime so I can go to Uni next year.
Australian Studies
Language & Learning
Maths 1
Now I've had a couplea drams & wondering what I've done :lol: