Sounds like you are on the right track, it sounds like they will turn out just fine then.
At first, all that white powder, I thought I was back in the 80's!
Lol thank you for the good vibes. 80's Miami Vice days. I hope they pull through
The soil is clay soil. The person that used to grow stuff in it would grow random tomatoes and they would do ok. I amended the soil with compost compsot perlite and chicken manure. Other peppers in it have taken well except for the bhuts. The new growth does seem ok. The soil is clay so it...
Ok so my bhuts look like this I planted them outside and they are yellowish I don't know if it's a deficiency of something
Any help is greatly appreciated. There were some leaf hoppers and they cut holes in the plant I think. I don't know what it is thanka guys.
Update the goatsweed provided by hogleg is getting new growth despite the sunburnt leafs
Padron is fruiting
The peach habanero is doing real well and healthy I have 2
The Carib red hot is a little curled but adjusting
I have seedlings in waiting for them to get bigger so I can harden...
I see those turkeys everyday here outside like a flock of 40+ my German Shepherd wants to chase them. I've wanted to trap one and eat it but never have I'll YouTube a trap and see if I can snag one
I was at a Mexican market here once called Lolas and I wanted to get some habaneros and in the box they had 3 really wrinkled red peppers with a stinger on the bottom. Only 3 out of like 100 peppers in that box. This was before I got into peppers so I bought then chopped one up with lime juice...
I want to forward this bottle you sent me to someone else. They aphids arrived several days ago, and I couldn't wait for your prototype. I've already sprayed.
The first person to PM me will get this last bottle sent to them.
Hi still have the prototype