Hardening Off

The Garden Peppers half way thru hardening process 

container peppers are hardened 

and extras in solos that are hardened been selling locally 

bring on the heat !    :onfire:
Awesome setup!
Im in the process of hardening off my plants up here in toronto. Is it too cold at night still, to leave them out? night temps are around 9 degrees celcius/ 48 farenheit?
badnews222 said:
Awesome setup!
Im in the process of hardening off my plants up here in toronto. Is it too cold at night still, to leave them out? night temps are around 9 degrees celcius/ 48 farenheit?
48 is fine    :onfire:
Moruga, looking good man. Question for or anyone else that wants to weigh in. Do you keep them out for a certain period of time or do look for visual signs? I brought mine out two different times today and brought them in when some of the leaves would wilt. A few leaves got a little wind burn but nothing even close to significant. Time is of the essence for me this and also going sort of large with 80 plants already in gallon pots. Big effort moving them in and out of the basement. Most people talk about timing and outdoor conditions, can't say I've seen anything on visual signs of when to take them in.
Genetikx said:
Moruga, looking good man. Question for or anyone else that wants to weigh in. Do you keep them out for a certain period of time or do look for visual signs? I brought mine out two different times today and brought them in when some of the leaves would wilt. A few leaves got a little wind burn but nothing even close to significant. Time is of the essence for me this and also going sort of large with 80 plants already in gallon pots. Big effort moving them in and out of the basement. Most people talk about timing and outdoor conditions, can't say I've seen anything on visual signs of when to take them in.
i agree i had 100 plants , in and out . 30 were in 1 gallon pots . once nights got to low 40's i left them out in the green house . they been in the green house  with white sheets on top and sides . 80 % now under 40 % shade cloth . where you putting your to harden off ?
They went on the back patio, was able to shield them from the sun today with the patio umbrella. Some on the table, some on the ground but all shielded from the sun. Some varieties started to wilt after an hour and some probably could have stayed out all day. Didn't keep track of which was which. I think with our IL sun, we can push the limits with hardening off...but I think you're much further south than me

Just looked up your town, you're probably only two hours from me so sun intensity about the same
Scorched said:
Looking damn good! Can't wait to get mine out and going. 2015 season is here Woooohoooo!
thank you tony !    :onfire:  problem is i got a few to many . i got a house in town with 1/2 acre but i rent it out . if not there would be one big azzzzzzz garden there !   lol
Genetikx said:
They went on the back patio, was able to shield them from the sun today with the patio umbrella. Some on the table, some on the ground but all shielded from the sun. Some varieties started to wilt after an hour and some probably could have stayed out all day. Didn't keep track of which was which. I think with our IL sun, we can push the limits with hardening off...but I think you're much further south than me

Just looked up your town, you're probably only two hours from me so sun intensity about the same
yeah I can get there in about 1 1/2 .   a little warmer not much , but enough away from the lake effects . i had a few that aren't willing to participate being on their own but their gonna like it or not ! lol i'll just be a bit more patient with them give them a little more sun each day . 
tctenten said:
Those babies look like they are ready to flourish. Great looking plants.
thank you , they are , their ready to blow up , can't keep up with blossom removal !  gonna give them a few more weeks to veg. then i'll leave the blossoms alone .   the days are high 70's to 80 , nights are mid to high 50's low 60's . its here !   its time !  let the heat begin !     :onfire:

jcw10tc said:
Looks good.  What extras you got to sell.  Might be crazy enough to come up that way sometime. 
not quite sure whats left in there about 30 or so left .  i think i know what your looking for tho !     :shame:    lol
jcw10tc said:
I had to try.
to the left of the garden is the green house theres 3 of them in 18 oz. solos . the other 2 are with the potted ones along the drive . 1 is in the biggest  black container . the 2nd. is in one of the 7 gal. ones actually the closest one in the pic. you can read it on the tape . plan on dropping the other 3 in the garden . if i have room . if i don't i may hook you up with one . MAYBE ! we'll see . gonna plant them during the week if theres no rain .   :onfire:
moruga welder said:
to the left of the garden is the green house theres 3 of them in 18 oz. solos . the other 2 are with the potted ones along the drive . 1 is in the biggest  black container . the 2nd. is in one of the 7 gal. ones actually the closest one in the pic. you can read it on the tape . plan on dropping the other 3 in the garden . if i have room . if i don't i may hook you up with one . MAYBE ! we'll see . gonna plant them during the week if theres no rain .   :onfire:
Still too early for me.  Going to wait until at least Sunday then look at the 10 day.  If still looking good at that point will probably start planting in the ground.  Got frosted big time about 10 years ago around May 20.   I do use plastic mulch now which gets the ground really warm during weeks like this so helps them get through a cold snap better.
jcw10tc said:
Still too early for me.  Going to wait until at least Sunday then look at the 10 day.  If still looking good at that point will probably start planting in the ground.  Got frosted big time about 10 years ago around May 20.   I do use plastic mulch now which gets the ground really warm during weeks like this so helps them get through a cold snap better.
plastic mulch in your garden ? do you till it under ?  
I'm getting all prepped too, been working nights so has made bringing them out for some sun hard. I get 2 hours between work and sleep to get stuff done. 
Pretty sure they are hardened off, they just wilt because the 3" pots dry out so darn fast when they outside. 

I got the garden all weeded, tilled a bunch of perlite in and got the drip lines laid out. Ready to plant! I'm going to probably do it sunday depending on the forcast. Hate to put them out and have them get all beat up in a thunderstorm their first few nights out. So far extended forcast looks good. I don't have any frost blankets to save them if a frost does come 

I've had the pineapple ground cherries outside for about a week now. So far they are doing ok though showing some deficiencies but those was showing before plant out 
i see a thunder storm in the coming week . you using tomato cages ? or tieng them up to bamboo ? you can get the big roll of 7mil clear plastic at wally world pretty cheap 10 bucks i believe . put over the cages or bamboo . ancho down with some bricks / rocks . till frost is over also works like a green house thats what i do , gonna plant during the week .      :onfire:

D3monic said:
I'm getting all prepped too, been working nights so has made bringing them out for some sun hard. I get 2 hours between work and sleep to get stuff done. 
Pretty sure they are hardened off, they just wilt because the 3" pots dry out so darn fast when they outside. 

I got the garden all weeded, tilled a bunch of perlite in and got the drip lines laid out. Ready to plant! I'm going to probably do it sunday depending on the forcast. Hate to put them out and have them get all beat up in a thunderstorm their first few nights out. So far extended forcast looks good. I don't have any frost blankets to save them if a frost does come 

I've had the pineapple ground cherries outside for about a week now. So far they are doing ok though showing some deficiencies but those was showing before plant out 
soil is still cool yet . 
moruga welder said:
plastic mulch in your garden ? do you till it under ?  
No, my main pepper spot is probably not really a garden like most would think of one.  I have terrible pure yellow clay, that is either incredibly sticky when wet or like concrete when dry.  Rather than get a tractor in there to dig it out or till it up when I finally decided to get back to growing seriously last year I just dug holes with post hole digger about 18" deep and filled with a nice mix I made.  Then cover with black plastic, cut a hole about 6" in diameter where the mix filled holes are and plant.  Last year was a test, it worked so well, decided would do again this year.  I actually hope for worse weather or something, plants were way to big and productive last year.  It about killed me, I wouldn't mind everything being about half what it was last year since I also almost doubled the plants.