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  1. Boost313

    What fast food do you despise

    Don't eat out that much as is, but when I do really hate Wendy's. Seems that if I order anything other than the 99 cent micro burgers, the meat is never done. Now I like my steak and burgers medium. Just think all fast food places should be cooked threw. An despise em all when trying to order a...
  2. Boost313

    Ever heard of it??

    +1 on the Cajun Bell. They are a smaller version of bells with spice. It's a Bonnie also. Easily found where ever sells Bonnie plants Home Depot, Lowes or Wally. Just plant and let grow. One of the easiest I have grown. Easier than a regular bell IMO! Havent't had ANY luck with them.
  3. Boost313

    is this a hab?

    Wish I was lucky enough to pick up one of those. All my Bonnie's orange habs are growing true. An always have.
  4. Boost313

    Cajun Bell? Seems too hot

    +1 I've grew cajun bells the past two years. An that doesn't resemble any of the pods I picked off mine. Also cajun bells are normaly way more seedy..
  5. Boost313

    pests Year of the never ending pests!

    Ok think I finally got my aphid problem under control. An go out and find this today. Looks to be pepper maggots. Now my issue is just AACT'd all plants 3 days ago. An every eving it's been pouring late at night. Do I have any options to treat for these without disturbing the tea beneficial's...
  6. Boost313

    To re-spray AACT?

    No totally going TEA's from here on out. Was just wondering it rains washed it off/killed the living colonies within? An no didn't mean gonna use a fungicide. Just wondered if you had to re-apply like you do with a fungicide after it rains. Sorry for the confussion.
  7. Boost313

    breeding Can sweet banna peppers cross with jalapeƱos?

    +1 Or if they are different, now? Your pack came with crossed seeds from the year previous.
  8. Boost313

    Should I pick my peppers

    From my past experience frowing jalp's the first ones take the longest to turn. (As with all peppers I've grown) An the first ones usually cork the worst before turning red. After the first run they usually don't take as long.
  9. Boost313

    To re-spray AACT?

    My problem is since I folar fed my plants with an AACT, it's rained pretty hard since have (I also soil drenched with the remainder). My question is do you need to re-spray after rains? Like with a fungicide?
  10. Boost313

    flowers falling down

    My Butch T's have been doing the same. Setting flowers like crazy and all yellowing and falling off for the past month. Just has had 1 pod set. Hope it's out of that phase. Everything else is covered.
  11. Boost313

    Mulching Pepper Plants

    I always use mulch around my pepper plants. It helps to keep from disturbing the soil to much when watering in my containers. An seems to make water absorbtion more even in them. Just yea DON'T use anything dyed.
  12. Boost313

    This is what my brew is looking like.

    This is what it looks like now. 36 hrs latter. Time to feed the plants. So yea you can get a head from fish fert.
  13. Boost313

    This is what my brew is looking like.

    Used Alaskan fish fert as one. An have heard it can cause no froth. Just wondering if it's looking like someone who has used it before. An when maybe time to use would be?
  14. Boost313

    This is what my brew is looking like.

    It's been brewing for 24 hrs and this is what it's looking like so far. Just curious if this is normal? As not much froth, just around the edges. This is my first one. Sorry for the double post, my droid is messing up tonight. An all I have is mobile.
  15. Boost313

    Brewing a AACT

    Well what would be a good time frame to use it. If it doesn't prodduce the froath? Don't wanna waste it if that becomes an issue. An what the dilution ratio for foliar spraying? Sorry for all the questions. Should've read all the way threw the beginners guide. There's alot more in there since...
  16. Boost313

    Which one is better?

    Have also just read over on the sticky green forums they find Sunshine better. As they say the ProMix with Myco has always brought an infestation with it. So a head to head is in order.
  17. Boost313

    Brewing a AACT

    Yea read that on the AACT beginners guide after I started it. But my ? is if Guru uses fish parts, doesn't his also have oils from the fish? An his still foamed. That's why I added fresh grass clippings like in his. To maybe combat that effect. Like I said it's a mix from here and there. Just...
  18. Boost313

    Which one is better?

    That's not a bad idea! As first hand experience would be the deciding factor for later grows. An good for cheaper is always better. As have been thinking of trying the 5-1-1 mix just can't find pine fines or anything like it locally. So it's probably gonna be expensive to put together.
  19. Boost313

    Brewing a AACT

    Got my first compost tea started tonight. It's a mix of several different recipes combined. The recipe is as follows...... 1 cup worm castings 1 cup bat guano 1 cup mushroom compost 1 oz. blackstrap molasses (2 tbls) 1 oz. Alaskan fish fet (2 tbls) 1 hand full grass clippings Aerating in a 5...
  20. Boost313

    Which one is better?

    I've already got a bail of Promix for next year. Was just wondering if Sunshine was as good as it's alot cheaper. Thanks for the replies and info.