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  1. fertilizer

    What are y'alls thoughts on what this pepper is?

    It does look like the butch t's i've grown.
  2. fertilizer

    baccatum Baccatum cross?

    Usually peppers prefer to cross with peppers from the same subspecies. It's most likely a baccatum x baccatum cross. But could be anything to be honest. Sounds pretty good though, jalapeno heat with baccatum flavor :)
  3. fertilizer

    Unknown Anuum

    How do you know for sure it's not a frutescens btw? I never understood how to distinguish between annuum and frutescens, apart from the upright fruit.
  4. fertilizer

    Ferts 2016 grow

    Small update to the list of varieties i'm growing! Trident Chili sent me Nebru 7 seeds and MOA SB seeds along with the SB7J seeds, so I will also grow these this year, i'm stoked! Thanks again John!
  5. fertilizer

    Ferts 2016 grow

    Good tip, thanks!
  6. fertilizer

    Ferts 2016 grow

    Hahaha, experimenting with Chilli Focus at the moment, but they are all still seedlings apart from the overwinters, and I dont want to kill them all so soon :D They will receive some blood and horn meal when the time comes and they move to bigger pots though.
  7. fertilizer

    Ferts 2016 grow

    Hello everyone, this is my first Glog on this forum :) This year i'll be growing: -Lemon drop -Brazilian starfish -naga morich -fatalii -Red rocoto -7pod brain strain - 1 overwinter trinidad douglah -1 overwinter 7pod jonah -SB7J, soon to arrive in the post, i hope -Aji amarillo -ancho grande ...
  8. fertilizer

    chinense I had my Pimenta de Neyde x Bhut Jolokias tested

    Nice information. Would've expected it to be hotter, but then again, could be a lot of factors. Still interested in the cross, just for the looks alone. 
  9. fertilizer

    Burn down?

    I've actually seen this done in Africa too, over there they said the ash is very rich in nutrients for the next crop, and that it's very handy to just burn all the weeds down instead of manually picking it or using herbicides.  This makes a lot of sense actually, I'd just be careful not to burn...
  10. fertilizer

    This guy eats 5lbs of peppers a day

    Damn, he seems really devoted haha. I bet his metabolism is through the roof. I wonder how he would handle eating a raw brainstrain or reaper. I dont think he grows only 8 plants though, probably 20 plants per variety just to keep his addiction up :)
  11. fertilizer

    Habanero red long ?

    Good luck, i'm just going to chop mine down, the frost will probably be here in a couple of days in belgium anyway.
  12. fertilizer

    Habanero red long ?

    Very strange indeed, i had the same happen to a chocolate scorpion that never produced anything, it would set mini pods and then just drop them after a while.
  13. fertilizer

    Hello from Aalst, Belgium, Europe

    And myself, ofcourse :)
  14. fertilizer

    market for my fresh hotpepper

    I'm pretty sure this is not the right subforum for these kinds of offers. Correct me if i'm wrong
  15. fertilizer

    SB7J seeds in western europe

    Awesome, trident, many thanks!
  16. fertilizer

    SB7J seeds in western europe

    Hello people, I'm looking for a vendor or hobbyist who could supply me with some SB7J seeds, I will of course pay for them. I've looked at European vendors but I can't find this specific variety anywhere, and tbh, I think paying 20+ dollars for 10-15 seeds if I have to buy them from NA is a bit...
  17. fertilizer

    Pimenta Lagrima

    I don't think it's a cross, the website states it's a semi-wild c. chinense variety from brazil, and he thinks it has some influence from c. frutescens, thanks for the input anyway!
  18. fertilizer

    Pimenta Lagrima

    Hey everyone, i'm not exactly new here, but you might not know me. I have a question regarding one of the peppers i'm growing this year! Does anyone have any information about the Pimenta Lagrima? I have my seeds from '', but on the website there's hardly any information about this...
  19. fertilizer

    Chocolate Fatali-No Heat?

    I agree with you potawie, they should no longer be called 'fatalii' as their genetics are not even close to the original anymore. I ate a fresh choco fatalii pod today, and i have to say that the pod was at least as hot as a red habanero, or at least thats my perception.
  20. fertilizer

    Chocolate Fatali-No Heat?

    Sorry to bring up such an old thread, but i'd like to add that my chocolate fatalii's this year (i already harvested 4 of them), have substantial heat. Maybe this is a later generation then the ones you guys have grown, hard to tell.