I came across this thread:
Apparently he was getting flowers on the 15th but no update.
Yes it can be used on seedlings but make sure it's diluted in enough water and you water near the roots for the mycorrhizae to associate with your roots. If you look up at the picture I posted recommended myco blast first then soil and kelp then myco tea and kelp.
I have had some great results using supreme growers with the petomato but Steve Blackburn is now with Vegalab products and they have some interesting products that will be released in the next 12 months or so. I met Steve while he was on vacation here in Ontario he is a really great guy easy to...
Some have had some success with those I have not you may want to rebuild the structure with wood or pvc maybe add chicken wire if you want it out year round.
I am in Canada not the UK.
I did look at texas creek pure evil but not hot enough and the powders on ebay were not hot enough. (Under 16 Million SHU)
I will wait to see if the free sample makes it and then wait a bit before asking for the refund.
I did find some in the states for $49...
I did find a US source it is more expensive but I may try to order it.
http://capsaicincrystals.com/ 16 Million PURE Capsaicin Crystals, 1.0 ml. Kit.
Sale Price: $49.00 + shipping + cc fee vs 2 vials 0.2g of pure powdered crystal each with shipping at $49 total.
Sounds like things may work out :)
"How can I fix things for you ?"
"It all depends when they make a new batch. I have a small bit on my desk that I will send free as a sample :) and the rest when it comes in????!"
Order was placed on the 16th emails sent around the 25th I finally got frustrated by the lack of communication and opened a complaint with paypal and tracked down Gerald Fowler on FB so today I received this email:
Thank you for your order. Unfortunately, we have been unable to send it out...
I had to splt the sponge to get to the plant from petomato 1 into petomato 2
the pepper in the orange cap (the one I removed) had a really long single root with tiny roots starting to spread near the top (where the air pocket is)