seed-plant-vendors pure capsaicin

wow be careful, the LD50 of pure capsaicin is lower than you think it is, probably why they're making it illegal
"I must point out that we only sell this product as a collectors item and should not be opened and consumed."
followed by a video of him consuming it
if you look a little further down there's this
", hence why its being banned as from February 2011"
maybe why it hasn't shipped?
ikeepfish said:
wow be careful, the LD50 of pure capsaicin is lower than you think it is, probably why they're making it illegal
"I must point out that we only sell this product as a collectors item and should not be opened and consumed."
followed by a video of him consuming it
if you look a little further down there's this
", hence why its being banned as from February 2011"
maybe why it hasn't shipped?
Then I would have expected a paypal refund email they seem to emphasize that the CRYSTAL form is illegal it's powder ;)

"as in February next year this stuff becomes ILLEGAL to sell/import/export in its purest (crystal) form in the UK!" They also referred to it as a collectable ;)  Plus the international order button still works on the website I'm sure they could have updated it within six months ;)
Order was placed on the 16th emails sent around the 25th I finally got frustrated by the lack of communication and opened a complaint with paypal and tracked down Gerald Fowler on FB so today I received this email:
Thank you for your order. Unfortunately, we have been unable to send it  out as we are waiting for new stock to arrive.  We do not know when the Capsaicin will arrive, as it  is always entangled with so much paper work and other requirements enforced by Customs! 
However, if you are able to wait, we will keep your order pending ..
Sounds like things may work out :)
"How can I fix things for you ?"
"It all depends when they make a new batch. I have a small bit on my desk that I will send free as a sample :)   and the rest when it comes in????!"
There are a lot of people selling capsaicin powder.  Not sure how available it is in Canada.  One site has 2.0 g for $69, seen the same for $49 on eBay and elsewhere.  Compared to the UK price of .2g/$12...... That would equal $120/2grams for the UK powder. 
I've offered some in the past, don't remember the price.  I seriously wonder if they are able to import it to the UK since it's been banned for a long time.  Might be better to get a refund and look at other sources.
salsalady said:
There are a lot of people selling capsaicin powder.  Not sure how available it is in Canada.  One site has 2.0 g for $69, seen the same for $49 on eBay and elsewhere.  Compared to the UK price of .2g/$12...... That would equal $120/2grams for the UK powder. 
I've offered some in the past, don't remember the price.  I seriously wonder if they are able to import it to the UK since it's been banned for a long time.  Might be better to get a refund and look at other sources.
I am in Canada not the UK.
I did look at texas creek pure evil but not hot enough and the powders on ebay were not hot enough. (Under 16 Million SHU)
I will wait to see if the free sample makes it and then wait a bit before asking for the refund.
I did find some in the states for $49 that I will likely order soon.
I was saying I had some powder, not talking about Pure Evil.  
Aside from bragging rights, you won't be able to tell the difference between 15.2mil SHU and 16milSHU.  Most people don't taste a thing when eating the crystalline capsaicin straight.  It has to be dissolved like what DarthNaga did.  But once it's dissolved, it's no longer 16mil.  Based on my work with Pure Evil, I would estimate the solution DarthNaga tried to be about 1.5-2mil SHU.  
Anyway, I hope you get the stuff you ordered soon.  At least it's PayPal and they are pretty good about dispute resolutions.
you know tyler, I was just thinking...John Dilley (DefCon) is supposed to have something coming out this year I think...
The package arrived about 1 hour ago :) I let him know it arrived thanked him and he said: I think there is an other parcel coming as well.

salsalady said:
There are a lot of people selling capsaicin powder.  Not sure how available it is in Canada.  One site has 2.0 g for $69, seen the same for $49 on eBay and elsewhere.  Compared to the UK price of .2g/$12...... That would equal $120/2grams for the UK powder. 
I've offered some in the past, don't remember the price.  I seriously wonder if they are able to import it to the UK since it's been banned for a long time.  Might be better to get a refund and look at other sources.
I remember  :P ,,I got 5 grams from you Ann,,extremely satisfied customer here! still have some of it  :cool:
Tyler be careful! 
this stuff is awesome in certain recipes,and quantity
not sure how well it will dissolve in a sauce,,trust,,you dont want someone to get a clump!  ;)
wayright said:
I remember  :P ,,I got 5 grams from you Ann,,extremely satisfied customer here! still have some of it  :cool:
Tyler be careful! 
this stuff is awesome in certain recipes,and quantity
not sure how well it will dissolve in a sauce,,trust,,you dont want someone to get a clump!  ;)
Is it better heated or with alcohol?
Jaysus, if I'm ever in Ontario again, I am remembering to come get sloppy wasted with you :rofl:  or atleast a good wing-off. I need to be put in my place XD There were so many wing-huts in Taranna that thought I was insane for eating a whole order of their "special" hot wings, I just figured it was Eastern nancy-pants-ism gone wild on pussyfoot.