Search results

  1. blueapplepaste

    show-off Harvest

    Here's my (comparatively) meager harvest from today. Been picking this many about every other day for past couple of weeks. Once the inferno that was Texas Summer 2018 finally abated, things took off.   The super hot stuff (ghosts, 7-pot, and habs) only just started setting pods. Hopefully some...
  2. blueapplepaste

    pests Genetically modified insects (leafhoppers, whiteflies, and aphids)

    We definitely live in a brave new world.   I really think we need to get over our societal fear of GMOs. Though I do think this method could have massive unintended consequences. However, I can also imagine benefit if you could give certain traits to already established areas (e.g. a forest...
  3. blueapplepaste

    Help identifying this caterpillar (or at least I think it’s a caterpillar)

    Sounds good. Gave them a good spray tonight. Saw some leaves with tiny holes in them had shown up. Hopefully thisll take them out. Still would like to try to figure out what they are. Mostly for sake of curiosity.
  4. blueapplepaste

    Help identifying this caterpillar (or at least I think it’s a caterpillar)

    Thanks for info!! Im assuming BT is good option here? Anything to attract their predators to help control in addition to spraying stuff?
  5. blueapplepaste

    Help identifying this caterpillar (or at least I think it’s a caterpillar)

    Found this guy gnawing on this pepper I picked this morning. No idea what it is. I did have a tomato hornworm infestation a month or so ago that I eliminated using BT. Damage stopped showing up, and I havent seen any new damage since. This was first time Ive seen something like this and...
  6. blueapplepaste

    Bonnie Habanero

    Interesting.   I had a little room and picked up a Bonnie Hab about a month ago from local Home Depot. It's only just now starting to flower, and hasn't set any pods (and don't expect it to since temps are still hitting 100+ regularly). But I'll be curious once it does set pods how they end up...
  7. blueapplepaste

    Tower Garden I believe the hype!

        Hmmmm, yeah, I could see the reservoir heating up. Especially if I had one down here where we had 4 days of straight 110º heat this year.   But the flip side is if the reservoir is large enough, and you could wrap something around to insulate a bit, then  you could go away for a while and...
  8. blueapplepaste

    7b plants ripen time on average?

    What have temps been like where you are?   It's been a brutal summer for most of the country. I've barely had any pods set in past month or so as we've been well above 100 (hit 112 a few times!) for most of that time. And the ones that have set are growing so sloooooooooooooooooowly and ripening...
  9. blueapplepaste

    Tower Garden I believe the hype!

    Wow! That's definitely impressive!   For whatever reason, I thought you meant the wall gardens. Hence me commenting on retaining wall. But that's still super awesome.   Price seems pretty steep - how is it holding up? I might consider one for next year as something to try if I knew it'd get 10+...
  10. blueapplepaste

    Tower Garden I believe the hype!

    Just teasing with the photo. But also kind of not - would love some pics. I have a tall retaining wall along my entire backyard. Ive been wondering if some sort of vertical garden would be good use of the space.
  11. blueapplepaste

    show-off Harvest

    Here's my meager harvest from this morning. :confused:   Would have had a bunch more but this turd ate through a bunch of peppers that had to be tossed and had evaded detection and death for a while. Caught and killed him yesterday, and two of his friends this morning.  :dance:
  12. blueapplepaste

    show-off something is munching my leaves. pics show damage.

    I just went through same thing the past week. Started noticing bits and pieces of leaves on my peppers missing. Whatever was eating them managed to eat right through several peppers that were so close to being completely ripe and picked. I was super pissed about that, bored a nice hole straight...
  13. blueapplepaste

    harvesting Heating up in Texas. Mini harvest

    Its pretty nuts already. Seems its going to be one of the more brutal summers weve had in a while. Not a bad mini harvest considering were growing in an inferno environment.
  14. blueapplepaste

    High temp Woes

    We had some gnarly days of 100+ heat down here (normal temps supposed to be in mid 80s!!).   I put up a 30% shade cloth and that made a big difference. I also recently transferred to self-irrigated planters and that also has seemed to help. I was struggling knowing how much to water in...
  15. blueapplepaste

    watering Watering

      Those kiddie pools are pretty cheap at Wally World. You could get two or three and be able to keep all pots in a pool and then just fill the pools up and not even worry about lugging them in and out.
  16. blueapplepaste

    seeds-germination fail to germinate seeds? try my method

    Interesting method. When I was in grad school my lab worked in plants. We used to germinate in Petri dishes. Wed soak/treat seeds, then place them in the dish with a moistened piece of filter paper, seal edges with prafilm, slit a couple of holes for air exchange and put in dark drawer to...
  17. blueapplepaste

    shade Shade cloth

    Ok cool. Went ahead and ordered some burlap fabric and will wrap up the containers.
  18. blueapplepaste

    shade Shade cloth

    I probably wont build anything out until winter. But I can get some burlap fabric and wrap it around the buckets in a few layers of thatll help.
  19. blueapplepaste

    shade Shade cloth

    Theyre not in cloth bags. In paint buckets.
  20. blueapplepaste

    shade Shade cloth

    Good point about insulating the pots. Hadnt thought about that. Will probably build out legitimate raised beds next year. And thatll help things out a lot. This is just a run to make sure its worth it for us. But so far its been addictive! My first thought was wrapping them in several layers of...