High temp Woes

Hi all thanks for all the past advice. Weve got a couple really hot days that will be around 105 back to back. I have the ability to my chili peppers cause theyre potted. Should move them completely indoors or just under shelter? Tired of having the heat kill all the buds. Thanks.
You need a more long-term solution. Get some 40% shade cloth (large rolls of black can be had on Amazon for cheap'ish). Or you can use berlap and try to match the weave spacing to a 40% shade cloth. **I'm also in Sacramento.
For the immediate, you can certainly move them to a more shaded location.
We had some gnarly days of 100+ heat down here (normal temps supposed to be in mid 80s!!).
I put up a 30% shade cloth and that made a big difference. I also recently transferred to self-irrigated planters and that also has seemed to help. I was struggling knowing how much to water in containers with the extreme heat and that's solved a lot of the problem and guesswork.
It's been in upper 90s past 10 days or so, and the plants barely wilt in the afternoon now. An hour after the sun goes down they've perked back up and some are even starting to set some pods again.
It depends on the pepper plant, but it may be unrealistic to expect your plant to set fruit in the heat of summer.

I have a few pepper plants that will keep fruiting through the summer, but for most of them, I'm happy for them to stay (relatively) healthy until temperatures cool down latter in the year.
My Moruga Scorpions and Joe Long start wilting when greenhouse hits 30C. Most others are coping now but didn't a couple of weeks ago.
Hoping they will eventually harden up a bit.
I use shade cloth and the shade from my fruit trees in my yard. The key to growing successfully is to get a jump start on your seedling plants early , overwinter plants or a combination of both. 
Provide shade and avoid exposure to afternoon sun at all costs when dealing with those temps.  Add lots of compost and mulch and keep em growing. I like to do nightly foliar drenches with water...sometimes mixed with aloe vera.  
How hot does it have to be before I need to use shade cloth? How high over the plants ought I hang it? Many of my plants are in full sun for many hours each day... It gets hot in New Jersey, but dang I know it gets hotter and sunnier in Jamaica and Trinidad, right?
For me 30C or 90F is where I notice a slight wilting on some plants.
I now have a regime. Early morning they come out the greenhouse and catch the Sun until 25C or 80F
I then move them to full shade for the day and back to the greenhouse when Sun is down.
It's a pain with all the moving but needs to be done.
They appreciate the shade and an airflow.