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  1. blueapplepaste

    shade Shade cloth

    For those interested, I got my shade cloth installed yesterday. Just in time, too. Two week forecast is calling for temps 100º+ for almost 2 weeks. Normal temp is supposed to be mid 80s for this time of year.  :confused:   Anyways, it's a 10'x10' 30% shade cloth. I hung it using eye bolts to...
  2. blueapplepaste

    shade Shade cloth

    Im going to get it strung up this week and Ill post some pictures. But essentially Ill use some guy lines and hang it between my house and the retaining wall opposite my house.
  3. blueapplepaste

    shade Shade cloth

    I live in zone 8a and just ordered 30% for my plants. I based it off the Georgia study I read that indicated 30% seemed to be sweet spot for balancing protection and yield. Going to hang it this week. So well see how they fare.
  4. blueapplepaste

    Is this calcium deficiency??

    Great additional info. From what Ive gathered the Avid shouldnt stress the plants out so I may do it as a just in case. As I mentioned earlier, some new leaves on some of the plants do look better. And most are setting pods, so Im hopeful all isnt lost.
  5. blueapplepaste

    Is this calcium deficiency??

    Thanks for response. I tried looking under leaves with a 60x jeweler loupe, but didnt see anything ok about 25 leaves from 8 plants. I had gone ahead and ordered some Avid while I waited on loupe to arrive as a just in case. But I havent used any yet as I didnt see any mites.
  6. blueapplepaste

    show-off Show me how you setup your shade cloth! (PICS PLEASE)

    I found this thread when I was searching this exact same topic earlier today. I like the PVC and ribar option.
  7. blueapplepaste

    Is this calcium deficiency??

    No worries - I appreciate you taking time to respond. Mine are in 5 gallonbuckets with a mix of garden soil, cow manure compost and perlite.
  8. blueapplepaste

    Is this calcium deficiency??

    Interesting to hear experience of others. I did have aphids show up a few weeks ago. I only saw them on 2 of 8 plants. I did treat all plants in event there were a few on others that I couldnt see and hadnt started growing in number. Did a few treatments of neem oil and cleared it right up...
  9. blueapplepaste

    Is this calcium deficiency??

    Ok - Ill move them closer to the fence so they get shaded earlier in the afternoon. And try to repot them this weekend. Unfortunately not really any other place to put them on my house with good morning sun but shaded in afternoon. Ill have to rig up shade cloth sooner I suppose. Good news is...
  10. blueapplepaste

    Is this calcium deficiency??

    Good news is Im inTX, so definitely have several more months of growing. Temps have been right around 88-92 and are forecasted to be that in long term forecast. Lows down in upper 60s. Im assuming that isnt blistering hot? I was planning on putting up a shade cloth over them once it starts...
  11. blueapplepaste

    Is this calcium deficiency??

      Gotcha.    I haven't done any soil pH testing - is using the vinegar something that's best practice as regular thing, or do you use it only if pH is getting high?
  12. blueapplepaste

    Is this calcium deficiency??

    Thanks for insight. Im curious about rationale for the hydrogen peroxide and vinegar?
  13. blueapplepaste

    Is this calcium deficiency??

    Well I ordered a jeweler loupe and looked at about 3-4 leaves off each plant. I didnt see any mites. Looked bottom, top, and peaked into meristematic regions on actual plant. I did discover some baby aphids that I guess escaped from treatment earlier this year on a couple of the plants. So...
  14. blueapplepaste

    Is this calcium deficiency??

    I hadnt even considered mites. But looks like could be the issue. I dont have a high mag viewer to look at plants though. Ill order one off amazon and have a peek to rule out pests. I did have aphids infest a couple of plants a few weeks ago. But a few spraying of neem oil took care of them...
  15. blueapplepaste

    Is this calcium deficiency??

    First time grower here. All my peppers seem to have stalled out a little lately. New growth is crazy wrinkled and hasnt grown much bigger than whats seen here (see photo) and flowers are dropping after blooming on other areas of plants that are grown out. From reading on the interwebs, it...
  16. blueapplepaste

    'lil Bastard

    Braconid wasps are pretty sweet! Such a gruesome way for the caterpillar to go though.
  17. blueapplepaste


    Just joined up. After telling myself Id have a garden when I bought my house, I finally committed this year after buying it 6 years ago and making excuses for never starting one. I suspect I was subconsciously tired of growing plants considering I bought my house after getting my PhD in a lab...