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  1. Dave2000

    Danger - Dog owners who compost

    It'll hurt wildlife too.  You can only do so much but yeah, a compost pile should be fenced off or otherwise inaccessible to animals.
  2. Dave2000

    seeds-germination Seed Trading

    Yeah I have some seeds in a pill bottle on the counter, some in envelopes in the basement, a bunch still in peppers, the ones I threw into my compost, and the rest are scattered everywhere.  :dance:
  3. Dave2000

    seeds-germination A bit over 30 days Germination progress

    Getting leggy, try to give them more light.
  4. Dave2000

    Brown veins under leaves and more

    I find it happens in specific cases of over fertilizing where there is too high a nitrogen to calcium ratio, that the leaf tissue grows faster than the veins then given more time the leaf becomes a more normal shape.  The bigger problem is if the fertilizer ratio continues you may find you have...
  5. Dave2000

    soil Indoor soil mix advice?

      Slower drainage isn't necessarily better unless the soil had an excessive amount of sand or other non-absorbant material in it.  If there is enough water that it is running out of the pot it is an excessive amount and it is then best for the soil to return to a lower moisture level as soon as...
  6. Dave2000

    Broken plant!

    It happens.  The further out on limbs the peppers get the more leveraged weight on the forks.  Two things you can do is scoot pepper close enough that those extended limbs start to intertwine with the adjacent plant(s) so they support each other and another is aggressive staking and tying of...
  7. Dave2000

    soil Indoor soil mix advice?

    ^  That idea about stoneware works out fine... until it rains a fair amount, a few days in a row.  I've had no trouble using stoneware pots alone for other things with a handful of gravel in the bottom for better drainage, but I don't have any large enough for peppers.
  8. Dave2000

    soil Indoor soil mix advice?

    ^  Or if it's a clay or stoneware pot you can't easily put larger holes in than it has so they line the bottom for better drainage, or in a windy area to weigh down the bottom of the pot.  However PMD mentioned lava rock which can help aerate and manage moisture, but IMO that is more important...
  9. Dave2000

    soil Indoor soil mix advice?

    Are you using grow lights?  The best soil in the world won't get you much gain without enough light, so beyond what you've already planned that is the first place to make sure you're spending enough money.   The main detraction from indoor grows (besides attracting a colony of white flies or...
  10. Dave2000


    Although it's been so long since I've seen a regular honey bee that I'm starting to forget what they look like, I'd imagine you were putting a massive amount of pepper scent into the air to the point where that's all they could sense.  Either that or they had a sadistic leader bee.
  11. Dave2000

    What To Do With Unripe Pods On Plants? Temperatures Dropping

    They will ripen faster at room temperature than in the near freezing garage, but if in the basement, make sure  humidity isn't excessive or they may still mold, even in a paper bag.  You can also toss some dry rice or other desiccant in to absorb some of the moisture to hold back molding for a...
  12. Dave2000

    So is this normal for this time of year?

      This is probably what happened, tug on the worst of the bunch and see how easily they pull up since (at least) the worst aren't going to be very productive for a long time if they survive.  Then again you never know, or at least we don't, if you might have a hostile neighbor that goes around...
  13. Dave2000

    soil Recycling Soil

    ^  Science isn't about only theory, it's about reproducible results that deviate based on the variables you alter while the rest remain constant.   More than that, science supports getting a soil analysis done, setting a target nutrient density, picking the most cost effective (or easiest, or...
  14. Dave2000

    soil Recycling Soil

      The thing is I don't need to know about neem, except for the insecticidal properties.  All these crazy things you are buying are not necessary for big healthy plants. Further, I do know a fair amount about cannabis growing, it's 10X over the #1 cash crop here in KY, and now that Obama and...
  15. Dave2000

    soil Recycling Soil

      1)  It's not crap.  That's an opinon you are entitled to but has no factual basis.  Quite the opposite, the highest yielding plants have the same soil nutrients to draw from PLUS the extra nutrients from the synthetic fertilizer.  Chemically, your organics have to change into the equivalent of...
  16. Dave2000

    soil Recycling Soil

    ^  So they got a whole 2nd year, but based on your soil recommendations in the past it seems to cost an extreme amount of money to do it.   Knowing the ingredients in your soil does not change the fact that it would grow better with synthetic fertilizer added after the first season, and even...
  17. Dave2000

    soil Recycling Soil

    ^  That's a personal choice you are entitled to make but has no bearing on the fitness of soil for reuse.   To some extent it's sort of the opposite that an all organic soil may have nitrogen depletion by the 2nd year unless you essentially add so much compost to it that you're really only half...
  18. Dave2000

    Any one else have just a terrible year for pods?

      You are only ~150 mi. north east.  We may have had a cold spring and cool summer but I have thousands of peppers waiting on my lazy ass to pick them.   It has to be the chickens' fault.   Without chickens, this plant has hundreds of pods and wasn't transplanted from a solo cup till mid-June...
  19. Dave2000

    soil Recycling Soil

    You can just leave the soil where it is, there is no need to do anything with it.  I've used the same soil for several years, maybe even a decade or more in some of my pots  In spring a few weeks before transplanting sprouts that were started indoors, I mix in some aged compost and non-aged peat...