I just wanted to warn everyone about my recent experience with dogs getting into compost. Yesterday I noticed one of my compost bins was a bit dry so decided to empty both bins and restack them mixing in a few new choice kitchen scraps. While wheelbarrowing the compost between both sites both my dogs came out and had a rumage around. Not ideal so I called them off and put them inside. They might have had 5 mins with it. That evening a friend popped over with his dog for a beer. As we sat outside I noticed one of my dogs stagger slightly and take a slightly odd posture. My girlfriends Dad is a vet and coincidently was visiting so I literally just had to pop inside my house for expert advice. His first pass was that she had eaten some tranquilizers or poison but knowing there was nothing like that on the property I mentioned the compost. He said it was the most likely cause and said the situation was serious so we went to his clinic (it was after hours so we were lucky to have such a great vet open up for us) where he gave her Apomorphine to induce vomiting. Long story short she is fine, much relief, more beer, dogs locked inside.
This morning we were sitting around having a coffee and my friends dog fell sideways slightly. I asked him to call her and sure enough she was unstable on her feet. Repeat exercise above with rush to clinic etc. She also looks like she will be fine. Until yesterday I had never heard of this and today it has affected 2 of the 3 dogs here so I really wanted to warn everyone. My friends dog in particular would have only been in the backyard where the compost was for a couple of mins and by that stage the compost was all in bins with less than a shovelful here and there.
It is called tremorgenic mycotoxin intoxication and it can happen very quickly and doesn't need great piles of compost and it can be fatal. Here are a couple of links below with a little more info:
I hope this will save someone elses dog from having to go through this.
This morning we were sitting around having a coffee and my friends dog fell sideways slightly. I asked him to call her and sure enough she was unstable on her feet. Repeat exercise above with rush to clinic etc. She also looks like she will be fine. Until yesterday I had never heard of this and today it has affected 2 of the 3 dogs here so I really wanted to warn everyone. My friends dog in particular would have only been in the backyard where the compost was for a couple of mins and by that stage the compost was all in bins with less than a shovelful here and there.
It is called tremorgenic mycotoxin intoxication and it can happen very quickly and doesn't need great piles of compost and it can be fatal. Here are a couple of links below with a little more info:
I hope this will save someone elses dog from having to go through this.