Search results

  1. Dave2000

    pests Not Assassin bugs and weird trilobite things wreaking havoc

    Water spray is probably a bad idea, too easy to end up with a fungus problem, especially towards fall. I'm sure some people prefer an organic approach but I just use Sevin dust. It'll kill practically every insect pest, including pollinators so use it sparingly and be sure to wash it off of...
  2. Dave2000

    container-growing Container Size

    Ultimately the square footage for catching sun is the limit. If you have good results, plants would get larger in pots bigger than 3 gallons but you'd have room for fewer plants, and yet you usually get the largest pod ratio out of bigger plants because every few new inches of growth and stem...
  3. Dave2000

    Are these carpet beetles?

    Looks like a carpet beetle to me. They mostly eat dead fiberous things so unless they run out of other food, probably won't bother your plants. Generally if you see a beetle that eats plants, on a plant, you see the damage too which is often cuts across leaves.
  4. Dave2000

    Anyone use this stuff?

    Looks okay but how big is the bag? Looks like it could be kind of expensive to use for a crop opposed to a small # of house plants if buying small quantities, but so it goes for any packaged *food*.
  5. Dave2000

    pests Pests, deficiencies, or both?

    ^ COB just means multiple LED dies deposited on the same circuit board. Electrically each die takes single digit DC voltage, but are often wired in series and parallel, requiring a higher DC voltage, and when as high as 800W, a complete light product/fixture that includes an AC-DC current...
  6. Dave2000

    seeds-germination Seedling setting flowers too early.

      Peppers (nor most plants in general) don't repair leaf damage. If a leaf gets bad enough that it's serving no benefit to the plant then the plant aborts it... falls off by itself. On the other hand I can appreciate that plants past their 1st season have additional challenges in...
  7. Dave2000

    Are these moths harmful to my plants?

    Yeah, if a moth is attracted to a plant it's going to want to lay eggs then the larvae eat the plant because... that's all there is to eat, they aren't going anywhere without eating their way there. Often eggs are laid on the back side of leaves, so you might want to take a look, but some will...
  8. Dave2000

    Grass between rows

    Depends on the area. In some, the grass will promote more insects, most of which are not friends of your plants. If the grass looks healthy it is not excessively depleting the soil... soil depleted of nutrients that grass absorbs, would result in bad looking grass, but yes with all else equal...
  9. Dave2000

    seeds-germination Seedling setting flowers too early.

      Pruning a plant a few times a week? Eek! Accomplished growers with large plants would never have the time to do that.
  10. Dave2000

    fertilizer What fertilizer to use?

    Regarding NPK, altering the ratio isn't so much about promoting fruit and flower formation, it's about allocation of nutrients. When starting your plants, higher N gets good size to them, all nutrients go into stem, leaves and roots. Once they flower, you don't want as much N in the soil so...
  11. Dave2000

    bigger roots bigger fruits/crowding plants question

    (Sun) area is your primary limitation. Putting two plants in a 10 gallon container you can't space them out from each other as much as two plants each in a separate 5 gallon container, so two in their own 5 gallon is better. 5 gallons per plant would be about right for someone in a shorter...
  12. Dave2000

    watering Too little water or too much?

    They don't need transplanted yet and really shouldn't be because at that stage they barely have any roots and what they have will be disturbed in soil that loose. HOWEVER, you have a different situation than some. With peat pots you don't need to get the plant out, can just toss the entire...
  13. Dave2000

    Fast root growth and a few questions

    Leave them alone. Once they get bigger, either transplant into two separate larger containers, OR discard all but one plant per cup. It does not need to be done now, better to wait a little longer, say another week, to see which one dominates the other(s). If your soil doesn't drain good...
  14. Dave2000

    My plants in 1 L pots

    Would never work around here... average daily gust of wind would topple them if not a bird landing on a branch.
  15. Dave2000

    What to do with hull-bound sprouts???

    ^ In some cases the water spray should be 1:10 ratio OTC hydrogen peroxide once a day to kill off any fungus that a perpetually damp husk (or soil surface) can cause.
  16. Dave2000

    fertilizer What's the best fertilizer for peppers

    I currently have a few buckets full of yard waste, lawn clippings and whatnot, sitting around turning into compost / tea.  Why let animal middlemen digest away their share of nutrients?  It's faster, and some would say easier to use manure, but with planning it doesn't get much easier than just...
  17. Dave2000

    shopping If I could buy 1 more light.

    T(n) stands for the tube diameter, although the typical tube length also grows with tube diameter. The "n" is 8ths of an inch so T5 is 5/8", T8 is 8/8" (1") and T12 is 12/8" or 1.5" diameter. For example industrial lighting that used T12 was usually 8ft long tubes, T8 usually 4ft, and T5 2ft...
  18. Dave2000

    shopping If I could buy 1 more light.

    T8 are generally the most cost effective and efficient if you have 4' of space. I'd get a 4 x tube, 4' T8 then if it uses too much power, take out a pair of tubes -OR- you might be able to space them better with 2, 2 tube fixtures but you asked about "1 more light".
  19. Dave2000

    soil soil temperature question

    Looking at a weather forecast for your area it looks like current highs and lows are about 80F and 60F, which makes it seem a bit odd that the ground would either be as cold as 32F or as hot as 90F. Am I missing something? Are you just measuring 90F on the sunny soil surface because it's in...
  20. Dave2000

    HELP!! Peppers got left in the cold...

    Pick any peppers mature enough that you want to save them. Refrigerate and eat within a couple weeks or freeze the rest. With that much leave damage they are bound to have some pod cell damage and will probably rot soon if left on the plants. As for the plants themselves, all you can do is...