My plants in 1 L pots

I was growing a few plants to sell at the markets and got left with these two Yellow Morugas.I was too lazy to repot them up as my polytunnel was already full so I just left them in the 1 L pots.
I feed them a either Dyna-grow bloom or Grow depending on my mood.Its been really hot here in NZ so they were getting watered every day sometimes twice a day
I think they turned out really good and have 20-25 big pods on them.I really like my big pots for growing my monsters but it just goes to show that with a little care any pot size will do  :)
I still cant believe how much fruit you can get from pots of that size.
Actually, the volume of the pods is probably greater than the volume of the pot that the plant is in!
SentencedToBurn said:
I still cant believe how much fruit you can get from pots of that size.
Actually, the volume of the pods is probably greater than the volume of the pot that the plant is in!
Yeah.I think it was the constant wet/dry/wet/dry that probably helped plus every watering had half strength Dyna-gro in it.The pods are just as big and some bigger than my full hydro Moruga plus I had almost no flower drop until the end.All they early flowers set which was nice.I may do a a whole heap of 5L next season and see if i can x5 the results  :)
Wow! those looks great! This is my first year growing. Is that how they should be trimmed, with all the bottom branches cut? I assume you will pick that fruit and then wait for them to put out some more?
c3po said:
Wow! those looks great! This is my first year growing. Is that how they should be trimmed, with all the bottom branches cut?
When Superhots are left to grow naturally they will grow up and then split into 2 or 3 stems and then split again.The growth below the first split normally comes to nothing.I leave all the leaves on but they were starting to go yellow and since its nearing the end I removed them.If you top you plants(Pinch out the main growing bud)after the 4-6 set of leaves your plant will get very bushy.I find my topped plants produce a much more compact,stronger plant with higher yields.Some like to top,some dont.  :)
For example, take a look at one of my plants below. I pinched it about a week ago. It has responded quite well to the topping. As you can see, the shoots have just taken off. Should I leave all of the shoots or should I cut the bottom ones off?

thanks again.
Dave2000 said:
Would never work around here... average daily gust of wind would topple them if not a bird landing on a branch.
I had them at the edge of my Polly tunnel so they were mostly shaded from the wind plus I had a few cobblestones that I propped  against each so they would topple over.

c3po said:
For example, take a look at one of my plants below. I pinched it about a week ago. It has responded quite well to the topping. As you can see, the shoots have just taken off. Should I leave all of the shoots or should I cut the bottom ones off?

thanks again.
Leave them all for now.In a few weeks to a month you will be able to tell if the bottom branches will be worth keeping.If they are small and spindly then just cut them off :)