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  1. Dave2000

    chinense Jamaican Hot Chocolate and Chocolate Habanero diffrences

      There is no easy answer to this. What one person calls a choc hab (or choc jam) can vary genetically from what another is calling the same, yet they are loosely, genetically related. "generally speaking" the choc jam is a little hotter and has vertical striations down the pod...
  2. Dave2000

    Some Issues with leaves.

    Looks like you're using soil that's already been depleted of nutrients, except the cutting is a leaf cutter or beetle, etc... whatever insects are indigenous to your region.
  3. Dave2000

    End of season

    Leave them on the plant as long as you can without frost getting to them (or until ripe, of course). You can also cover plants with blankets overnight to protect them from the first few frosts so long as it doesn't get much below ~ 28F. They need not necessarily be thick insulative blankets...
  4. Dave2000

    minimum temperture question

    Night temperatures below 50 will slow down growth, including pod growth. Sustained temperatures below 40 at night will cause leaf drop and blossom drop. If it gets above 60F during daytime they will go back into grow mode for the day but if not they pretty much just sit there waiting for a...
  5. Dave2000

    How do you guys wait for ripe peppers!

    Non-hots I cut into slice and freeze... until I run out of freezer space which already happened this year so I eat a lot, give away a lot. Hotter peppers I freeze a few bags of but mostly dehydrate or make concentrated sauce out of... more like paste than sauce, also frozen. All the frozen...
  6. Dave2000

    How do you guys wait for ripe peppers!

    ^ One BIG variable is the type of pepper. Some take a lot less time than others to get from almost ripe to fully ripe. I was also assuming the utmost care was taken to pick them including snipping the stem instead of pulling them off. I don't grow many peppers, mostly just on a patio and...
  7. Dave2000

    How do you guys wait for ripe peppers!

    Read my post again because I wrote the opposite, to not pick at first color but rather to wait till there's 2 weeks till final darkest shade it gets. I've done it both ways. Pods left on the plant stay more hydrated and no, I'm not in a desert condition. Rather than being less humid outside it...
  8. Dave2000

    Inducing fruit early

    To achive maximum fruit you want maximum beneficial climate including plenty of fertilizer (whether it be organic or synthetic, but go light on nitrogen which does not mean don't let them have any at all), temperature, and light. Subjecting them to cold just stunts growth, including pods, as...
  9. Dave2000

    indoor-growing plant spacing indoors

    Spacing them close together outside can provide addt'l wind resistance, but when you put them so close inside what happens is they compete for light and put more energy into growing taller, and thus less energy into pod production. Ultimately you would probably be better off thinning the herd a...
  10. Dave2000

    Did you know this about Tomato Hornworms?

    I see them a lot on my tomato plants but never on the peppers even though I have 5X as many peppers only a few feet away... might be that I'm growing herbs nearer the peppers which repel them, or they (momma) just realizes softer tomato stems are easier to eat so that's where the eggs are laid...
  11. Dave2000

    How do you guys wait for ripe peppers!

    Pulling some pods off does not cause remaining pods to ripen faster or use less energy, but it will allow the plant to conserve some water, yet if there is no drought there was no need to conserve water and by leaving it on the plant you keep it hydrated which (all else being equal) keeps it...
  12. Dave2000

    Bone meal...better options?

    ^ glog takes time. My intent and success has been reducing time (and expense). Slow release calcium like from eggshells or bone meal suits that intent.
  13. Dave2000

    Iguanas must DIE!!!!!!

    3 garlic cloves 4 fresh habanero peppers (or similar) 1 cup lemon juice 1 tablespoon dish soap Glass jars Spray bottle
  14. Dave2000

    Topping Tomatoes?

    Remember that if there's room for the plant itself to be wider there should also be room below for a larger pot which encourages it to get wider, even if you have to repot into a larger size before transplant outside.
  15. Dave2000

    Bone meal...better options?

    One egg shell per gallon of soil, providing your pot is big enough for the plant at full size. If it's not then you're going to have to start treating it like hydro and water in more Cal later. That's only what I do - your soil and/or water may have more or less calcium already in it than...
  16. Dave2000

    seeds-germination Newbie Grower Germination Question?

    They evolved for gazzilions of years to sprout in soil. The extra step is unneeded. Mine germinate better (faster) at closer to 90F, but then my grow lights cycle off at night so they sleep at ~ 74F till morning.
  17. Dave2000

    watering i think i under watered my scorpions, leaves are yellow.

    Are you using undersized pots or poor soil? Seems like a nutrient deficiency to me, but as others mentioned pics would help.
  18. Dave2000

    Summer Vacation Prep?

    No fertilizer! That would just make them grow faster and use (need) more water. Are they in the ground or pots? With pots forget it, they can't last weeks. In the ground it is quite possible you can just water them thoroughly, really thoroughly, and they will be okay for a few weeks...
  19. Dave2000

    health What's wrong with this habanero?

    Personally I would transplant it into a pot, taking only a roughly 6" diameter chunk of soil with it into a larger pot with added, well draining fresh soil, and give it a dose of nitrogen. That way you can move it to where it doesn't get so much water and when you water you can better keep it...
  20. Dave2000

    Liquefying Dry Bone Meal? 6/5 Update

    Yes it's ground finer, smaller particles break down faster into soluble salts, though whether that is necessary or even an overdose depends on how much you applied and soil pH. Generally speaking the dry/coarser is cheaper to use and you just use more of it for the same nutrient maintenance at...