seeds-germination Newbie Grower Germination Question?

Morning (well it is here in Spain  ;) )
I put some purple jalapeño seeds and chocolate jolokia seeds into baggys yesterday and wondering how long roughly it takes for the roots to pop through?
I tried baggies for the first time the other day... Bah think I cooked the seeds lol, had them in my seed propagator to keep warm but they seemed to old the heat in too much and got hot.. I still prefer a simple seed raising mix in a tray.. less hassle more sit back and wait. =P
I get the hottest seeds popping in under 8 days.. and the milder varieties in about 5...
I do the same, but put the baggies on top of a [T5] light fixture with a thermometer touching the baggie. If it is too hot, just use a towel to add space between the heat source and the baggie.
right so 24hrs is too soon to see any sign of life then lol  :P
i've got them on top of my fridge and it's not too cool in the house so fingers crossed they'll pop in a few days.
my first chilli's i just threw the seeds in soil and waited, but some didn't germinate and some popped but the roots died so hoping doing it this way it'll be a better success rate 
They evolved for gazzilions of years to sprout in soil. The extra step is unneeded. Mine germinate better (faster) at closer to 90F, but then my grow lights cycle off at night so they sleep at ~ 74F till morning.
Seed tray with potting soil. Keep moist, they will sprout. I keep my house at 71 degrees year round. No heating pad or anything, I have 90+% germination at all times with just throwin seeds in soil and keeping them moist
My best and fastest germination is fill soil with potting soil, put seed 1-8 inch into top of soil then cover, moisten soil, cut a 6"x6" of seran wrap, cover top with wrap leaving about an inch loosely on top then place a rubber band over mid of cup to hold seran wrap to cup. Then put under grow light. This causes no evaporation, and quickest germination. IMHO