Search results

  1. Dave2000

    Sad little Scorpion

    That's WAY too much water.  You're flushing nutrients out the bottom.   Drain holes are a safety measure.  If water comes out the bottom then it was too much water.  The soil surface should always be dry by the time you water again.  If you have a fan pointed at them it will increase the water...
  2. Dave2000

    discoloration: ripening or something else?

    Given the freeze warning it seems too late to do much this late in the season to fertilize them but they probably would have benefitted from it earlier in the season.   I would just continue to keep moving them into the garage any time there's a risk of frost or freezing to finish up the pods...
  3. Dave2000

    White loose grains on top of leaves

    Every so often I see something that looks similar from wind blowing pollen off adjacent landscaping plants, and in one case there was a... I forget what it's called, but anyway it's a plant with a huge bloom that you're supposed to cut off once the bloom starts to fade and after it's cut off the...
  4. Dave2000

    2 month old sprouts?

    Another vote for too much wood or bark that's leeching away nitrogen.  You could probably just keep hitting them with liquid fertilizer until the moisture in the soil has a chance to get a good bacterial colony started to decompose some of it.   I also second the notion that they were too small...
  5. Dave2000

    White bullet / white haba question

    I've had no problems growing them, think you might have just had poor quality seed.  I have two main gripes with white habs which are why I no longer grow them.   1)  By the time they're truely ripe meaning white instead of yellowish, branches have so many pods that they drag the ground due to...
  6. Dave2000

    pests Assassin bugs

    I'm not a big fan of them after I noticed one season that one would keep coming back to the same plant, sit there until a bee came along, then stab it in mid-air.  Wasps on the other hand... gotta luv 'em for taking out worms though mostly on tomatoes and herbs instead of peppers.  Lady bugs...
  7. Dave2000

    shopping When to buy soil and amendments

      You were probably watering too much or had too much other high density material mixed in.  I've never had a peat compaction problem.  That doesn't make coco a bad choice, it just seems your other variables are contracy to good results with peat.   After a month, if you aren't watering too...
  8. Dave2000

    To the pros - if you were to give your best advice on first time growers what would it be ?

    1)  Use well draining soil.   2)  Don't overspend on exotic things.  It's a disturbing trend around here.  Pick cost effective ways to supply NPK, calcium and magnesium.  Nature grows things fairly well without our "help" except in the case of drought.  It gets tricker in subsequent years of...
  9. Dave2000

    Rock phosphorus, or dolomitic lime?

      I calculate it baed on putting 20 egg shells in a 20 gallon pot that has a pepper with 1000 pods on it, and so on.  So, about 1 shell per gallon, possibly 2 if I have extra shells.  I mix it all up before putting it back in pots so some may get a little more than others but that's the...
  10. Dave2000

    shopping When to buy soil and amendments

      Peat works fine.  If you notice a difference there was *some* other problem.  Coco isn't cost effective here so I've used peat for decades.  It's a regional thing how much it costs.   Soil often goes on sale in early to mid spring at hardware stores (keep an eye on Home Depot and Lowes weekend...
  11. Dave2000

    Rock phosphorus, or dolomitic lime?

      People recommend it because it's free if you eat eggs, is good in that it breaks down slowly so things like excessive rain won't waste it away if growing in pots, nor do you risk overdose without having to add more later in the season, nor raise pH as quickly, and if you eat a dozen a month...
  12. Dave2000

    seeds-germination Is something wrong with my seedling?

    That's way too small for something that sprouted 10 days ago.  It's not getting enough light.   There is no way for us to know if you are watering too much or too little.  It depends on how saturated the soil was and how much you water each time.  Generally speaking it should need only 2...
  13. Dave2000

    How to top this

    You may get new shoots out of the sides of the central stem where there are no leaves (it's probable so long as some light hits it) but not within a few millimeters from the top or at the top because it will dry out a bit at the tip.
  14. Dave2000

    ISSUES! Help!

      If you add the soap to the water before you strain then you will get more of the *good stuff* in solution... just don't let it keep boiling or there's a bubbly mess in the making.
  15. Dave2000

    Had An Oops Moment Today

    So long as they hadn't started to sprout a root out the bottom yet, they sould be fine.  This happens all the time in nature, seeds get wet and dry out over and over on the ground each time it rains till it's warm enough that they sprout.   Even so, if you just start them in coir or soil you...
  16. Dave2000

    What kind of blender do you use?

    I use an ancient Oster.  It's not the strongest but not weak either.  I can't put only strait raw peppers alone in or it will choke but add a little water and it does fine, especially if I roast the peppers first which I usually do.   it doesn't crush seeds but I don't want the seeds crushed...
  17. Dave2000

    kitchenware Recommend a food mill, please

      Are you going to be dumping in a continuous stream of food or in as automated a process as possible?  Will you concurrently be cooking a batch while blending another while food milling another?  The speed difference won't matter unless you are heavily multitasking.  Otherwise the time it takes...
  18. Dave2000

    growing up north

    Best time depends on your strategy.  If for some reason you want the fewest # of plants possible then starting now or at any point before spring will give you the most head start, providing you give them some attention so they don't suffer from aphids, white flies or fungus, etc. and then...
  19. Dave2000

    FREE - 20 litre/5.2 Gallon plastic drums.

    ^  What is the point of a grow bag that size unless you are a nursery growing a tree you want to sell later?  I suppose it could conserve water vs growing in-ground, but "here" water is plentiful and inexpensive.
  20. Dave2000

    FREE - 20 litre/5.2 Gallon plastic drums.

    Around here people sell them on craigslist, around $1.50 ea. or 10 for $10, food grade with a little residue the buyer cleans out.