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  1. JGBaxter59

    chinense Faria Scotch Bonnet info/seeds?

    Have you ever grown this, @Harry_Dangler? Is it hot like a SB or mild?
  2. JGBaxter59

    chinense Faria Scotch Bonnet info/seeds?

    I might get some of these seeds and try them next year (like I need MORE seeds :crazy:). Even if it was mild, that would be okay with me. It might have a really good taste and I could eat it without breathing fire for a change. :flamethrower:
  3. JGBaxter59

    music What Are You Listening To Right Now?

    I wish I was in London to see the Stones in Hyde Park tonight...
  4. JGBaxter59

    chinense Faria Scotch Bonnet info/seeds?

    Apparently this pepper is mild... the Elysium Oxide SB is the Faria crossed with a Douglah, a superhot. I wouldn't mind growing a mild one for a change. I have way too many scorchers this year.
  5. JGBaxter59

    chinense Faria Scotch Bonnet info/seeds?

    Marc, I think I found seeds for these... check this link here.
  6. JGBaxter59

    review Now those are what you call a scotch bonnet!

    I think he saves seeds by looks. He does a video where he ranks them as class a seeds, class b seeds, etc. Kinda like how the MOA in Jamaica defines it.
  7. JGBaxter59

    review Now those are what you call a scotch bonnet!

    I was looking around today and noticed these folks now have an Etsy shop where you can order seeds. Link here.
  8. JGBaxter59

    Start Me Up - 2022

    After eating 15 or so jalapenos off the plants, I decided to harvest enough for a jar of refrigerator pickled slices. This El Jefe variety is one great pepper, one of my favorites. For those keeping up with the HSH scotch bonnet, this thing now is starting to really pod up - I counted over 20...
  9. JGBaxter59

    misc How/why/when did your chilli obsession start?

    For me, it was helping my Dad every year plant tomatoes... he would always also plant banana peppers and jalapenos. Then, in the 90s, habaneros became the rage. I would get one of the typical orange ones at the nursery in Memphis along with the ones my Dad bought. I was the only one who would...
  10. JGBaxter59

    misc New season

    Good to see you back fellow North Alabamian. Good luck on your grow this year!
  11. JGBaxter59

    Start Me Up - 2022

    After complaining earlier that I had peppers that weren't ripening yet, I finally see my first superhot (MA Purple) starting to turn. I hope this is the beginning of something good...
  12. JGBaxter59

    OZZZ 2022

    I am having the same problem... I mentioned this in an earlier response. I have a dozen or so Big Yellow Mamas that have been sitting 3 weeks and won't ripen. The picture I posted on May 28th in my GLOG of my MA purples... they still look just like that picture. I have YET to get a jalapeno to...
  13. JGBaxter59

    Start Me Up - 2022

    I'm finally getting pods on my Death Spiral (top). This one is already showing a little scythe-like tail. The Chocolate Bhutlahs (bottom) are already looking mean like I know they are going to be. I'm actually a little scared to try this pepper when I get a ripe one. ☠️ I am really pleased...
  14. JGBaxter59

    color 007 Pot Red

    According to this, it's a Butch T creation that has a possibility to grow a little pepper inside the pepper.
  15. JGBaxter59

    color 007 Pot Red

    The 007 has a license to kill. Here's a very basic hot sauce recipe that's a good place to start. There are loads of recipes online and I know a lot of folks on this forum make their own, too.
  16. JGBaxter59

    color 007 Pot Red

    I vote for hot sauce... goes great with gumbo and all the other great Louisiana cuisine.
  17. JGBaxter59

    Next to My Chair - Bowls of Bonnets

    How's the caramel SB doing?
  18. JGBaxter59

    2022 - too early to get started...

    The shape of your Schneider Farms SB pod looks exactly like the HSH. 😀
  19. JGBaxter59

    2022 - too early to get started...

    Yes, hang in there, my friend. Instead of overwintering, you could try cuttings like I did last year with that caramel SB. It definitely saves on space.
  20. JGBaxter59

    OZZZ 2022

    I grew a Korean pepper last year called a Gochu (see here). I had the same problem early on. Many of the first pods would start to turn red, then stop and start getting soft. I just picked them and ate them. As the season progressed (and it got hotter and dryer), they started ripening just...