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  1. JGBaxter59

    review Now those are what you call a scotch bonnet!

    I think for simplicity I am going to call them Scotch Bonnet HSH (for Humble Servants Homestead). That way at least we know what we are talking about. If someone else has a better idea let us know.
  2. JGBaxter59

    review Now those are what you call a scotch bonnet!

    It was just a plain 6 inch envelope with my address, the return address, and a U.S. first class postage stamp.
  3. JGBaxter59

    review Now those are what you call a scotch bonnet!

    I got my seeds in the mail today. They came in a plain envelope. Each zipper bag says 15 seeds, but it looks like 20 in each one.
  4. JGBaxter59

    review Now those are what you call a scotch bonnet!

    I placed an order for two packs of seeds. I believe they're in Georgia, just one state over from me in Alabama.
  5. JGBaxter59

    music What Are You Listening To Right Now?

    John was always my favorite Beatle.
  6. JGBaxter59

    music What Are You Listening To Right Now?

    Let's get the season started !
  7. JGBaxter59

    special-offer TexasHotPeppers 2021 Black Friday/Cyber Monday Promotion

    I placed an order, too. I also got in on the Black Friday promotion at White Hot Peppers. Looking forward to the 2022 season.
  8. JGBaxter59

    Pepper Head from Alabama

    Welcome from Hartselle, neighbor.
  9. JGBaxter59

    music What Are You Listening To Right Now?

    New song from the movie Halloween Kills by one of my favorite bands: Ghost
  10. JGBaxter59

    show-off Starting to blow up!

    That's one lovely pod. What variety?
  11. JGBaxter59

    annuum Rome Jalapeno Question

    Well, I was a teen back in the 70's. My Dad used to plant banana peppers and jalapenos every year, but he'd get them from a nursery. Once habaneros became fashionable, he'd let me plant one of them (the generic orange kind you still can get every year). Once I got older, I got interested in...
  12. JGBaxter59

    show-off Incredible Scotch Bonnet

    Yea, I have always read to "top" peppers for better bushiness and production. Every time I top one, it grows tall... this plant was pretty much untouched since I planted it later in the season than normal. This thing was a pod machine, no complaints at all about production.
  13. JGBaxter59

    show-off Incredible Scotch Bonnet

    They taste fantastic. I usually grow some type of habanero every year, this was my first time growing a bonnet. I am so impressed with the color, taste, production that I took a cutting of it to overwinter so I can have this same plant again next year. I made a simple Louisiana type hot sauce...
  14. JGBaxter59

    annuum Rome Jalapeno Question

    DM your mailing info and I will send you some seeds. I'm already going to send some this week to another member.
  15. JGBaxter59

    show-off Hot Stuff Can't Get Enough

    Well, the season is winding down... my season anyway. I've developed a case of Achilles Tendonitis (been to the doctor) and was told to get off my foot as much as possible, ice it down when I can, and take my prescription Naproxen. I harvested as many pods as I could today for powder and sauce...
  16. JGBaxter59

    seeds-germination Bubblegum?

    I got the same two freebies myself a week or so ago. I might try that Bubblegum next year. I bought Mustard Moruga Brain and Chocolate Bhutlah seeds.
  17. JGBaxter59

    annuum Rome Jalapeno Question

    Let me know if you would like some seeds.
  18. JGBaxter59

    annuum Rome Jalapeno Question

    Sure. Just message me your info. I'm more than happy to share some seeds with you.
  19. JGBaxter59

    music What Are You Listening To Right Now?

    Thank you Charlie.
  20. JGBaxter59

    music R.I.P. Charlie Watts

    The Rolling Stones have been my favorite band ever since the first time I saw them live in 1978 during the Some Girls tour after getting a free ticket from a girl I knew in high school after she broke up with her boyfriend (who was one of my friends also) the night before the show. Since then, I...