There is a little butcher in East maitland on the main drag. He is up in a little arcade accross the road from the Winsor Castle and down the road a bit towards Newcastle.
He will sell you natural casings.
hehe sorry for the stir mate......i cant resist sometimes.
Why have you gone for Choc habs over the Orange ones. I recon Choc habs are a far better chilli but for volume of production..... well you know well how those orange habs go here in Australia.
And i take it the netting is for birds...
Awsome Mick.
I made a clone of your Jerk sauce wit hte devil tongues but use 20% choc habs in it.
and a bit more spice!
Mate...... i hate to tell you....... its better!
I really have to send you a bottle to try dont i.
I remember when you could buy Aussie army issue .308 SLR's for about $4000
Man i really regret not getting one now but you just cant see the future can you.
I love the 50 cal!
It wont happen. I will have to build my own if i want that!
I will have to brew the beer, make the nice food and put up with him :)
Not to mention his endless foul bowl movements while im trying to brew in the garage........ driving me from the room while he laughs hystericly.
Ahhhh you can...
Ok full bodied roasty. That would be a Forein Extra stout
Next question and this is where it gets tricky.
What batch size do you make?
What alcahol content do you want?
What is the grain capacity of your mash tun?
also do you have brewing software? because we ausies work in the proper new...
hehe....... Scotty...... you might as well have said......... thats just past the Paramatta road turn off near perth.
No its out the back of rutherford on the way to Kurri where mr IDS works....... well .......... he turns up :)
I was so tempted to drive over to pips place this arvo and hide (steal) the 44 gallon drum.
Oh the will power it took to just let him build the bloody thing.
I have been putting a sprinkle of Epsum salt in the water and a tad more food and they seem to be greening up.
They look quite healthy so im not too woried at this stage.
Moyboy.............. i had another Douglah sprout today while at work so i will save if for you if yours dont end up...
Hey Cheezy.
I will do my best mate ;) I use a process thats fairly simple to build a recipe for a beer style i want to brew.
First up...... you need to know what you want from the beer.
How do you want it to taste? What sort of mouth feel do you want? do you want it bitter or sweet? do you...
I have seen them bad out west in the red center when i lived out there working in the gold mines but they never made it to the coast like this.
Aparently New Zealand is about to get hit wit hthe dust storm.......... its going that far.
They are saying it will stain the glaciers and be...
I am now sprinkling the smallest amount of epsum salt into the water i use to see if this helps also.
They are healthy and growing..... just a dodgy colour.
Any help will we much appreciated
HEre is the whole grow box. It has been a wonderful thing and i cant wait till next year when i can get them started much earlier.
I have started a new tray of seeds as well. They got ordered from the UK when i got back from working in New Guinea and took a while to arive..... but better late...
Due to the dust storms here today i moved all my plants back into the grow box for protection from the 90km/hr winds. Some of them got a day or 2 outside in the real word.
I have noticed some of the plants i have potted up have their leaves turning yellow. Im not sure what this it from. I feed...