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  1. Shandley

    preservation Vinegar Absorbed? Also, 'green' tasting?

    Greetings, Well, my small apartment harvest of my Chinese peppers known as chao tian jiao peppers came out to be about a pound and a half. I a drying half a pound but I made a simple hot sauce with the remaining pound. This is my first run so I kept it very simple. 2 cups white vinegar. 1...
  2. Shandley

    wanted Canadian seed train P.R.O.J.E.C.T. ROUND 4 (looking for more members)

    Extenuating circumstances. I vote yes!
  3. Shandley

    wanted Canadian seed train P.R.O.J.E.C.T. ROUND 4 (looking for more members)

    Good Lord John! You gotta share how you get a 13,000 lb pumpkin to grow, let alone the cabbage and tomato. Watermelons always feel like 100lbs to me sooo.... I guess that one too. :)
  4. Shandley

    wanted Canadian seed train P.R.O.J.E.C.T. ROUND 4 (looking for more members)

    2012/10/02 03:20 MISSISSAUGA Item in transit :dance: That's 1 hour 10 minute drive away. I believe you will see it tomorrow or the next day.
  5. Shandley

    wanted Canadian seed train P.R.O.J.E.C.T. ROUND 4 (looking for more members)

    Well, she sent it off. It looks like shipping back to Ontario was $15.96 (after tax n all) for regular parcel with tracking number or $2.33 without tracking number. Xpresspost was $21.56. Everyone else seems to have tracking numbers so my girl sent it off as such (now, don't come and tell me...
  6. Shandley

    wanted Canadian seed train P.R.O.J.E.C.T. ROUND 4 (looking for more members)

    Goooooooo Skype! Thanks to the old advances of semi-modern technology, I had the opportunity to sort through the seeds remotely using Skype and a HD camera! I wonder if this is the first time a seed train has done this. LOL. None the less, there are some pretty good strains in there. I was quite...
  7. Shandley

    wanted Canadian seed train P.R.O.J.E.C.T. ROUND 4 (looking for more members)

    I'm a dude. EDIT: ohhhhh you mean my girl. LOL
  8. Shandley

    wanted Canadian seed train P.R.O.J.E.C.T. ROUND 4 (looking for more members)

    Its around 250 grams right now. It looks like bushwhackxj put the envelope in another Prepaid Canada Post envelope that's larger for shipping. It's likely why it was $15.79. A smaller non-prepaid envelope would have been $11.33. Needless to say, it's at my house right now but I'm out of town...
  9. Shandley

    wanted Canadian seed train P.R.O.J.E.C.T. ROUND 4 (looking for more members)

    Much thanks! I cannot wait to see it! You should be informed but I'll let you know if it does not show up tomorrow. $16, eh? Wow. Oh well, once every some-odd months should be worth it to get our growth on. Thanks very much!!
  10. Shandley

    wanted Canadian seed train P.R.O.J.E.C.T. ROUND 4 (looking for more members)

    My post office is open 7 days a week. Not braggin, just sayin :)
  11. Shandley

    wanted Canadian seed train P.R.O.J.E.C.T. ROUND 4 (looking for more members)

    Question: What is the cost for sending these days? IE: pwmcustom, what was your charge?
  12. Shandley

    wanted Canadian seed train P.R.O.J.E.C.T. ROUND 4 (looking for more members)

    I must have not explained what I was thinking clearly. Just a circle in order of geographical location in order to save money and some time for transit. My mistake mentioning twice received. For example... Hypothetically, there are two members in each of the mentioned project: Quebec #1...
  13. Shandley

    wanted Canadian seed train P.R.O.J.E.C.T. ROUND 4 (looking for more members)

    So I was thinking and I am unsure how this train is headed back. Likely, directly towards marclocas for this first run; however, for the 2nd run out, geographically it should be in order from Marclocas (or whoever is furthest east) to west (which doesn't help me any because I am on the west...
  14. Shandley

    wanted Canadian seed train P.R.O.J.E.C.T. ROUND 4 (looking for more members)

    I have been tracking :) The package has arrived to Fireface @ 12:24 Alberta time! Can you tell I am getting excited?
  15. Shandley

    Miracle grow thoughts?

    I use the potted recipe on the box once a week before they flower and probably once a month after I see the first buds. For the most part, I dilute the once a week mix with a bit more water just so it goes around more.
  16. Shandley

    Miracle grow thoughts?

    I use the tomato feed from MG (pink powder). I love it. Works great. Never seen an issue.
  17. Shandley

    wanted Canadian seed train P.R.O.J.E.C.T. ROUND 4 (looking for more members)

    Yep! Getting excited to see the contents and happy to share what I have. Is there a list of what is in there currently or will I have to be surprised? :) Either way, fine by me!