Search results

  1. Alchymystic

    chinense Borbhut landrace - possibly the hottest pepper ever recorded?

    I uploaded the full article here, haven't read it yet... going to dig into it later. Thanks for sharing and making this known, sniken!  :cool:      
  2. Alchymystic

    Giveaway - closed

    00010001       Great contest... thanks, Juanitos!  :P
  3. Alchymystic

    Super Bowl Contest ! 2017

    Can’t believe I missed seeing this earlier. Thanks for the awesome contest, Frank! That's once amazing collection of powders!   Total score: 55 Total offensive yards: 708  
  4. Alchymystic

    annuum Best tasting Thai Pepper?

    I cast my vote for the SMALL Orange Thai also. I much preferred it to the large (although I only ate the large ones fresh, I have heard that they are quite good dried and powdered). The small's I've actually only had dried (Tony/Scorched sent me some pods), but they were just fragrant and tasty...
  5. Alchymystic


    :welcome:  to the THP forums! Nice to have you aboard.  :cool:
  6. Alchymystic

    Horror Hot Sauce in Canada

    :welcome: to the THP forums! Nice to have you aboard!  :cool: 
  7. Alchymystic

    Horror Hot Sauce in Canada

    :welcome: to the THP forums! Nice to have you aboard!  :cool: 
  8. Alchymystic

    I’d flip it too- always do actually. Sometimes to see who makes it if I like the card, or if...

    I’d flip it too- always do actually. Sometimes to see who makes it if I like the card, or if there's artwork to look for the artists name, date it was made, etc. I think flipping/looking it over would actually be a natural reaction to a ‘What the…’ type scenario! :)
  9. Alchymystic

    Hello from Florida

    :welcome:  to the THP forums from SC!
  10. Alchymystic

    Absinthe Eggnog! Licorice/anise flavored goodness (def. fits well w/ the 'holiday/winter' season...

    Absinthe Eggnog! Licorice/anise flavored goodness (def. fits well w/ the 'holiday/winter' season vibe)
  11. Alchymystic

    Hello from Arkansas, and thanks.

    :welcome:  to the THP forums from SC!  Thanks for sharing your story... nice to have you aboard!  :cool:
  12. Alchymystic

    Hi from Yorkshire

    :welcome:  to the THP forums, nice to have you aboard!  :P
  13. Alchymystic

    New Pepper Head

    :welcome: to the THP forums from SC!
  14. Alchymystic

    Greetings from Croatia :)

    :welcome:  to the THP forums, Ivo! Nice to have you aboard.  :cool:
  15. Alchymystic

    Well, I actually picked 1 or 5 (leaning towards 1). It's very proportional and contrasts well...

    Well, I actually picked 1 or 5 (leaning towards 1). It's very proportional and contrasts well. The circular pattern matches the circle nature of the letter G and O, while the word Help has more straight lines (would work with a square shape better if it was the first word). The dark outline of...
  16. Alchymystic

    Hello from TEXAS!

    :welcome:  to the THP forums from SC!
  17. Alchymystic

    Common Courtesy or am I Old Fashioned?

    I always let people know if I have received something from them, as I know the feeling of wondering if someone has ever received something I may have sent to them (and I’d rather not be the cause of their anxious wondering). I still do all the other ‘old-fashioned’ things as well – say...
  18. Alchymystic

    hello from NC

    :welcome:  to the THP forums!  :cool:
  19. Alchymystic

    Hello from Brasil

    :welcome:  to the THP forums! Nice to have you here!  :P
  20. Alchymystic

    Hello from South Louisiana

    :welcome:  to the THP forums from SC!   :cool: