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  1. Alchymystic

    Happy birthday GIP

    :bday: HAPPY BIRTHDAY, GIP!!  :bday:    Have a blessed day!    :party: 
  2. Alchymystic

    HaPpY BiRtHdAy FiShInG HaNk

    :bday:  HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! Have a great one!  :dance: 
  3. Alchymystic

    Hello from Mountaineer Country!

    :welcome: to the THP forums from SC! Nice to have you aboard, Thomas! You definitely found the spot to help you along in your gardening and sauce making adventures!   :cool:
  4. Alchymystic

    Greetings and hello!

    :welcome: to the THP forums from SC! Nice to have you aboard!   I've heard several people mention and recommend those garlic cloves by Silverleaf... I guess I'l have to go ahead try them out sometime in the future! ;)  (I love things like that... be it marinated garlic, olives, mushrooms...
  5. Alchymystic

    Hello from Orange County, CA

    :welcome:  to the THP forums from SC! Carnitas tacos with homemade sauce sounds amazing! Glad it turned out well for you. Nice to have you here!  :cool:  
  6. Alchymystic

    Wazzupp !!!! From Fort Worth, Texas

    :welcome: to the THP forums from SC!! Always great to see another Texan on board - nice to have you here!  :cool:  :cheers:
  7. Alchymystic

    Hello from Louisiana

    :welcome:  to the THP forums, Tina! Nice to have you aboard!  :party:  :cool:
  8. Alchymystic

    College football contest

    920   Thanks for the contest! 
  9. Alchymystic

    Yay fellow Chillieheads!

    :welcome:  to the THP forums from SC! Thanks for joining up and making yourself known, fellow chilehead!  ;)  Cheers!
  10. Alchymystic

    Hops N Barley

    :bday: HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Hops!  :bday:    Hope you're having a great day!  :cheers:
  11. Alchymystic

    Happy Birthday, Grass Snake!

    Day's half over, but nonetheless.....  :D   :bday: HAPPY BIRTHDAY, GRASS SNAKE!!  :bday:
  12. Alchymystic

    Hello from Mississippi

    :welcome:  to the THP forums from SC! Nice to have you aboard, Hershal! Best of growing to you!  :cool:  :cheers:
  13. Alchymystic

    Hello from North Dakota

    :welcome:  to the THP forums! Lot's of current (& fellow) Texan's on the forums... nice to have you aboard!  :cool:
  14. Alchymystic

    SFRB giveaway ends at kickoff tonight

    Jets by 14 - total 48 points   Thanks for the cool contest!  :dance:
  15. Alchymystic

    Happy Birthday Wicked Mike

    :dance:   :bday: HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MIKE!!  :bday:  :dance:    Hope you have an awesome day filled with celebration, laughter, and those you love! All the best... :cheers:
  16. Alchymystic

    Hello from Tulsa

    :welcome: to the THP forums from SC! I lived in the Tulsa/Broken Arrow area once for about two years... Nice to have you aboard!  :cool:
  17. Alchymystic

    Thank You! I’d seen the trailer for this & planned to watch it; that was last year & I totally...

    Thank You! I’d seen the trailer for this & planned to watch it; that was last year & I totally forgot! That was truly awesome! The best indeed! Love the length of it too (otherwise you might get an OD of 80’s epicness! Lol.) Looking forward to the sequel now! :)
  18. Alchymystic

    Hi from Gloucester ma.

    :welcome:  to the THP forums from SC!! Nice to have you here!  :cool:  :cheers:
  19. Alchymystic

    Hahaha! So classic! :) Chris was the best!

    Hahaha! So classic! :) Chris was the best!